2016-11-22 Meeting notes - Hydra Plugins Working Group
When: 2016-11-22
Where: Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/call/a3x36uncwfgghfr4fjn3znytuye
Moderator: Andrew Myers (WGBH)
Notetaker: Noah Botimer
- Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Eliot Jordan (Princeton)
- cam156 (Penn State)
- Kate Lynch (University of Pennsylvania)
- Matthew Barnett (University of Alberta)
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Indiana University)
- Noah Botimer (Michigan)
- Jenn Colt (Cornell)
- Darren Hardy (Stanford)
- Notetaker†
- Review action items†
- Create a Doodle poll for a new recurring meeting time. (Andrew)
- Done: http://doodle.com/poll/dp62yu3bvhnhxf38
- Is this a good time, given the limitation due to Thanksgiving?
- If not, do we do another Doodle polls for the next meeting?
- Make a link to the WG from the hydra homepage. (Andrew)
- Done! Thanks kestlund.
- Announce the formation of the group to the world. (Andrew)
- Done! Announced it during last week's Hydra-tech call, and on the hydra-community mailing list.
- Sign up for Duraspace account. (Everyone!)
- Create github repo in projecthydra-labs for working documents and issues. (Eliot)
- Make sure everyone in the WG has permissions on projecthydra-labs and a CLA. (Katherine)
- Move use cases from the charter and into the github repo. (Carolyn)
- Sketch out a timeline for our deliverables in a document on the github repo. (Andrew)
- Create a Doodle poll for a new recurring meeting time. (Andrew)
- Initial set of user stories
- Q: Are we good to start with those currently outlined in the charter?
- Candidates for proof-of-concept
- Let's get a list during this meeting.
- These can be github tickets
- i.e. "Should XYZ be one of our proofs-of-concept projects?"
- this will allow voting, and discussion througout the next 2 weeks.
- New/Carryover Action Items†
- Next Meeting†
- When:
- Notetaker:
† - Standing agenda items
Action Item follow-up
2a. Barring conflict, standing meeting every other Tuesday, 12 EST / 10 MST, starting 11/22, next 12/6
2d/2f. "Everyone" has an account and CLA. If not, contact Noah Botimer for help.
2g. Github Issues are not yet created, will be today/tomorrow.
Pull Request "policy": generally, don't merge your own PR... Two thumbs up permit self-merge.
Roadmap: Initial draft met with good response, slight meeting schedule adjustment suggested (01/03 -> 01/10)
User story review
#2, some question about "where" the plugins go. CurationConcerns may be an initial target for convenience. Scope might move a bit over time. Vocabulary and guidelines may specify something more general while the implementation is only "in CurationConcerns" initially.
Candidates for initial plugins
- Geo-Concerns
- FileSets – data modeling and CRUD support; may require core changes, may be more viable for plugin ("Hydra Discoverable Files" plugin); relevant in DAM use cases
- Existing gems? Real-world examples and requirements
- Google Analytics as built into Sufia (may be an "optional feature" or potentially extracted as a plugin for non-Haiku apps)
- Questioning Authority (what about this makes it plugin-oriented?)
- A minimal plugin as an example without tons of context
Action Items
- User Stories, commenting and potentially adding (Everyone)
- Write user story around logs/error reporting
- Probably a fair amount of if/then stuff depending on the type of plugin/interactions
- Define "plugin categories"
- Move user stories into a documentation format
- Write user story around logs/error reporting
- Discuss and vote on candidates (Everyone)
- Leading toward a decision of the initial set (for when?)
- Leading toward a decision of the initial set (for when?)