Metadata Call 2015-05-06
Metadata Call 2015-05-06
Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Karen Estlund (Univ. Oregon)
Notetaker: Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Karen Estlund, U of Oregon
- Esme Cowles, UC San Diego
- Julie Hardesty, Indiana University
- Steven Anderson, Boston Public Library
- Danny Pucci, Boston Public Library
- Aaron Coburn, Amherst College
- Corey Harper, New York University
- Andy Weidner, U of Houston
- Andrew Woods, Duraspace
- Arwen Hutt, UC San Diego
- Nick Ruest, York University
- Carolyn Hansen, U of Cincinnati
- Subgroup Reports
- Technical Metadata Subgroup
- Aaron Coburn reporting
- Technical Metadata Application Profile - baseline technical properties defined for all media types
- Uses ebucore - extensive vocabulary for several different types of media (image, video, audio, etc)
- Similar to technical profile from Europeana (docx available on Technical Metadata Subgroup page under Resources)
- Will ask for feedback from Sufia PCDM Sprint
- use vs label property - use might be out of scope if covering structural metadata (relationships between files); more useful to have controlled vocabulary; possible properties from Europeana (isDerivativeOf, WebResource); if label is really describing use, change from rdfs:label so that it isn’t a string
- Sometimes derivatives are masters also
- Send out technical profile recommendation for feedback; note question about use property but might be structural question; Esme can put together list of URIs for discussion (in structural metadata group?)
- Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- Steven Anderson reporting
- Moved meeting date/time due to conflict (Thursdays, noon ET, starting May 14)
- Linked Data Fragments sprint - get experimental codebase up and running - looking at June dates but having hard time finding availability for everyone; finalize sprint date at May 14 meeting
- Updating references in Solr - 3 options proposed, leaning towards Option 3 which is detailed in notes from 2015-04-29 call
- In order to update references in Solr, doing this normally through ActiveFedora it would take lots of time for full Solr update - want atomic updates in Solr to update only that record for an object; to do this have to use stored fields; created ActiveFedora issue to remove non-stored fields from schema.xml for Solr so new users are encouraged to not used non-stored fields; current users would not be affected (#778 - Stored Solr Fields as Recommendation)
- Detailed notes on 2015-04-29 call cover all of this, including scheduling Linked Data Fragments Sprint
- Bring up ActiveFedora issue at next Hydra Tech call
- Would like feedback on all of this
- Rights Metadata Subgroup
- Esme Cowles reporting
- First meeting - talked through proposal (Oregon approach) and metadata issues surrounding
- Would like to start on predicates to use if meeting today occurs
- Technical Metadata Subgroup
- Issues / Questions
- Referring to a segment of a file, see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/issues/34
- Came up in first round of data model discussions
- Relevant to Avalon
- Add to outcomes for structural metadata group
- Linking between files to indicate relationships (derived from, metadata describing, etc.). Should this be taken up by the Technical Metadata subgroup?
- Already discussed - move it over to structural metadata group
- Referring to a segment of a file, see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/issues/34
- Additional Items
- none
- Action Items
- Feedback for technical metadata needed
- Structural metadata action items forming up
- Applied linked data feedback needed
- Bring up ActiveFedora issue in Hydra Tech call
Meeting Notes:
, multiple selections available,
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