October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016


Hydra Partners Call (October 2016)
Friday, October 14, 2016 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number:  737 192 431 
Meeting password: h9cwrT45
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 
Facilitator:  wgcowan
Notetaker:   Mike Korcynski


  1. Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.)
  2. Quick Roll Call (3-5 min)
  3. Short discussion about format of Hydra Partners' Call (5 min)
  4. Presentations (30 min)
    1. Northwestern - Images Repository work, the last push before NextGen Repository commencement.
      1. Added feature to make image collections public.  Implemented IIIF (using rIIIF gem).
      2. images.northwestern.edu
      3. https://github.com/nulib/images
    2. WGBH / Indiana University - HydraDAM2 Hydra Preservation
      1. (5 min. presentation, 5 min. questions / discussion)
    3. Data Curation Experts - Hydra Training Overview
      1. (5 min. presentation, 5 min. questions / discussion)
  5. Hydra Connect 2016 Update (5-10 min)
  6. Questionnaire for Hydra Virtual Connect scheduling and timing by Monday 10/17

    1. https://goo.gl/forms/bB8DSb9SxaNW27CL2

  7. Call for future presenters (1-2 min)
  8. Upcoming Calendar Events: (5 min)
    1. Hydra Partner Meeting, Sun Nov 6, Milwaukee, WI, in conjunction with DLF
    2. Sandi Metz - Practical Object Oriented Design with Ruby - UCSD - January 2017 - Details and Registration
    3. any additional events?
  9. Facilitator and notetaker for November 11th Call
  10. Next Call: November 11th


  1. Mark Bussey (DCE)
  2. @Andrew Rouner (WUSTL)
  3. James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
  4. Mike Korcynski
  5. Carolyn Caizzi and Brendan Quinn (Northwestern)
  6. Rick Johnson (U of Notre Dame)
  7. Eben English
  8. James Tuttle
  9. Nabeela Jaffer
  10. Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)
  11. wgcowan (Indiana University)
  12. Peter Binkley and Weiwei Shi (University of Alberta)



  1. Eric Luhrs (Lafayette College Libraries)
  2. we'll miss you if you're not with us  (sad)

Event Recording



[The meeting is being recorded.]

  • Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.)
    • Welcome to UAlberta, Peter Binkley and Weiwei Shi
  • Short discussion about format of Hydra Partners' Call (5 min)
    • Original idea of focusing on presentations was starting to fade and trending back towards traditional agenda

    • Lets make this meeting more inline with the spring proposal

    • Demos, Updates on projects – Really up to institution what they want to do

    • Lets try to do this new format for a few more months and see if we can make it work.

    • Monthly emails seems overwhelming, an improved meeting format would hopefully may replace/improve that.
    • Mark has added a topic backlog to the Partner Call landing page :  Samvera Partner Calls
  • Presentations (30 min)
      1. Northwestern - Images Repository work, the last push before NextGen Repository commencement.
        • Now in maintenance mode as they plan their nextgen repository
        • Went live in Fall 2012 one of the first Hydra heads in production

        • Developed a metadata editor to publish to the image repository, were originally using Voyager Records, but left Voyager for Alma and so developed a rails app for managing metadata and publishing to the repository

        • Original goal was originally locked down access to copyrighted images, but need arose for publicly published collections.

        • Added feature to make image collections public.  Implemented IIIF (using rIIIF gem).
        • images.northwestern.edu
        • https://github.com/nulib/images

        • Also added bath import, and collections management

        • Added an administrative interface for creating collections.
        • Built on Fedora 3 and Hydra 8

        • NextGen Repository – currently digital collections are broken up by format AV(avalon), Images (images.northwestern), books (hathitrust) – looking to spend the next 1-1.5 years redefining that.

      2. WGBH / Indiana University - HydraDAM2 Hydra Preservation
        • (5 min. presentation, 5 min. questions / discussion)
        • NEH project between Indiana and WBGH

        • Purpose : Build a Preservation Repository for Media (AV) 

        • WBGH : Major Concern is Broadcast shows preservation

        • Indiana : MDPI Project (Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative) : 10's of thousands of AV files online and 100s of thousands of hours of audio and video

        • Looking at storing and linking preservation events -- particularly premis as a framework where they could store those things

        • Leverage log and journal capability within Fedora itself and use that or store them themselves within the data model for the items?

        • Most of these event occur at the file level rather than the object level so tracking is difficult, questions about how you are able to store that within the pcdm structure?

        • Julie Hardesty is working on mapping preservation events against premis events so they can see how well they match

        • Changed focus to use curation_concerns and the generator capability within rails, uses generators extensively

        • HydraConnect -- Will had a session on asynchronous storage using camel within fedora and hydra

        • Question about PCDM - A: Yes they're using that

      1. Data Curation Experts - Hydra Training Overview
        1. (5 min. presentation, 5 min. questions / discussion)
        • Shared 2017 planned training schedule

        • Talking to Emory for Spring Hydra camp but looking for Fall, and the following year, if you're interested in hosting training or camps let DCE know!

        • Gave a history of training development in the Hydra Community, liked the rails bridge model a lot when they started doing training materials, and so used that for best practices.

        • Since 2014/15 DCE have tried to adapt ideas to manager/curator/librarian training rather than soley developer training.

        • Gave an overview of training goals, and format of hydra camp

        • Showed existing modules and talked about the skill required to develop these

        • Keeping documentation up to date is hard, this is where we should probably focus.
        • Q&A

          • Liked the idea of non-developer training but having the packaged solutions ready to go seems important

          • Helping people understand the differences between a discovery vs a preservation head could be useful.

  • Hydra Connect 2016 Update (5-10 min)
    • Big topic in and out of sessions was the possible merger of curation_concerns and sufia

    • BPL is getting sessions linked up to the program wiki, should be done by early next week

    • Some surprise about Fedora backends and API discussion

    • Sessions were interesting, good job all around.

    • Big Architecture discussions happened on the last day, it probably should happen earlier so we have more time to reflect and discuss.

  • Questionnaire for Hydra Virtual Connect scheduling and timing by Monday 10/17

    1. https://goo.gl/forms/bB8DSb9SxaNW27CL2

  • Call for future presenters (1-2 min)
    • Could be as simple as here's a bunch of questions we've raised over time, whatever you're interested in that you think the hydra community may also be.
  • Upcoming Calendar Events: (5 min)
    1. Hydra Partner Meeting, Sun Nov 6, Milwaukee, WI, in conjunction with DLF
      1. Maybe someone can report back in november/december meeting?
    2. Sandi Metz - Practical Object Oriented Design with Ruby - UCSD - January 2017 - Details and Registration
    3. any additional events?

Next Call: November 11, 2016

Facilitator:  Nabeela Jaffer

Notetaker:  James Tuttle


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