July 19, 2013
July 19, 2013
- Mark Bussey, DCE (Facilitator)
- Anders Conrad, RLD (Notetaker)
- Chris Awre, Hull
- Richard Green, Hull
- Mike Giarlo, Penn State
- Karen Cariani, WGBH
- Steven Anderson, BPL
- Rick Johnson, ND
- Adam Wead, Rockhall
- Justin Coyne, DCE
- Eddie Shin, DCE
- Steve Didomenico, Northwestern
- Mark Notess, Indiana
- Will Cowan, Indiana
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Nobody new for this meeting.
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Penn State has a grant application fort integrating Hydra and Zotero, giving Zotero similar functionality as Mendeley, integration with Scholarspere.
- As has been communicated on the list, Rick/Notre Dame is planning a proposal to the grant call for ORCID. They want to know who among the partners wants to cooperate and who might want to use a Hydra/ORCID integration. The deadline for letters of support is August 21. Everyone, please look at it, final call at the next partner call.
- Next Call
- Date: August 9. It will be last day of Hydracamp (@ UVa), Mark will send out a note to the affected individuals.
- Facilitator: Karen Cariani
- Notetaker: Steven Anderson
- Progress on Partner Meeting action items
- To be reviewed next month!
- Standing Community TODOs
- Next Partner meetings
- September at Penn State. Two parallel tracks:
- 5 days of code shredding (9/16-20). Focus on gemification.
- No developers are signed up yet, please sign up on the wiki signup sheet!
- Sketch for developer track is open, please add topics!
- -> Mike and Dan at Penn State are investigating about a house and will report back to Bess and Mark. (We've contacted Bess and Mark and coordination is ongoing.)
- 2.5 days of Strategic Planning (9/16-18).
- This meeting is going to be for strategic planning and not a regular partner meeting.
- -> Steering committee should make that clear to people.
- 5 days of code shredding (9/16-20). Focus on gemification.
- December event: Worldwide Hydra Connect meeting.
- Nothing yet on location. Rumors of Portland, Oregon.
- -> Richard, Chris and Mike will take to steering and ask Tom
- 2014: regional Hydra event in UK/Ireland (same time as LDCX?)
- It was decided not to overlap with LDCX, but to make regional events in spring.
- Pattern for other Partner meetings
- There has been an email discussion on the list.
- Chris and Richard: we had an awareness-rising event in London last November, not a developer get together. Having frequent meetings is a good idea, but be clear about the focus and what you want to achieve, in order to get people to come!
- September at Penn State. Two parallel tracks:
- Training
- Plans are under way for camp beginning of August at University of Virginia, a couple of seats are still available! Focus will be on Sufia, there will be pre-work on that. Breaking up in teams with hands on Sufia, Matt will be leading, Carolyn Cole will be co-teaching, this is a good way to expand the ability for training in the community.
- A formal announcement is about to be sent out for a camp Oct. 1-4 at Case Western Reserve University. Adam will co-teach this.
- Lightning talk about training on OR2013, we get good feedback on online tutorials, still backlog, but we are making progress towards meeting the training goals.
- OR13 Review
- Mark Bussey thanks everyone who helped out, particularly Monday where Tom missed out because of the SF plane crash. Thanks Mike and Adam for helping out on the panel discussion from remote! There was a lot of energy around Hydra and Fedora Futures. Avalon and HydraDAM got featured in two panels. 40 folks in Intro to Hydra workshop, 15-18 developers in developer session. Morning Hydra workshop was the single largest workshop on the conference. We printed and handed out bookmark, the t-shirts were fantastic! For upcoming events, we can think strategic of getting more penetration into the presentations and more stuff to share.
- Please deposit OR2013 presentations to the wiki!
- See: Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan
- No debate on this.
- Next Partner meetings
- Updates on Action Items
- ...
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Cincinnati has asked to come on board as a partner.
- Other Hydra implementations in the Pacific timezone are on the way (more later)
- OR2013 showed several pre-adopters and people just starting with Hydra.
- Website Updates
- None
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