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Add the Outreach and Engagement Working Group meetings to your calendar

Table of Contents

Scope & Objectives

In the light of the re-branding to Samvera in 2017 and also in the context of Samvera governance development a Samvera Marketing Working Group is proposed to focus on how Samvera as we would like it to be is communicated and marketed As an active community supporting those with common interests in the development of solutions for the management of digital collections, Samvera seeks to foster engagement in this area.  This engagement takes many forms and the community seeks to support those as useful.  One specific key way in which engagement takes place is outreach through Samvera meetings, topical conferences, and other events and meetings of relevance.  The aim of this outreach is to communicate and promote Samvera to the different audiences we work with and who we would like to reach.  Samvera has a new logo, a new website, a well-populated wiki, and established github site providing information and code.  The aim of this Working Group will be to build on these foundations  This Working Group will look to facilitate and support outreach and engagement through a range of activities relevant to the need at hand.  This will include, but not be limited to:

  • Identify the key


    messages Samvera needs to put out to different audiences and share these for community use

  • Identify the channels and events that can be used to communicate about Samvera, e.g., discussion lists, conferences, commercial partners, professional bodies, etc.

    Create a suite of suitable marketing
  • Support the delivery of Samvera events as appropriate

  • Create and maintain suitable outreach materials for use at conferences ("stuff") and within institutions.

     This might includes core slides that can be used in presentations, flyers, banners, etc.Develop guidelines for ongoing development

  • Maintain oversight of Samvera's web presence and ensure consistency of presentation and content

  • Understand and develop the sectors that Samvera might look to engage with to help differentiate the


    outreach required for these, e.g., libraries, museums, media organisations, university presses, grant funders, etc.

There may also be a link into the future fundraising that Samvera will be undertaking and the marketing messages that need to be associated with this (to be determined, dependent on timetable and focus of attention for this process).


titleMeeting Times & Communication Channels

Meetings will be held fortnightly via conference call/video chat.  Meeting agendas and notes will be shared with the community via chat (Slack) and Samvera Lists (Google Groups).  Members of the group may wish to meet more often to address specific tasks.


Next Meeting:

See below


Agenda: See below


Meeting Frequency: Fortnightly



The members listed below are those who expressed an initial interest in this Working Group at the Partners Meeting At Northwestern University in November 2017.  Please The Working Group will operate as a standing group, generating sub-groups as appropriate to focus on specific areas of work.


Please add your name to this list if you are interested in participating in this discussionarea of contribution to the Samvera Community.  Those with experience of marketingoutreach, engagement and related communications and related promotion of repository and/or other related technical library and repository services are especially welcome.

Chris Awre, facilitator Awre (University of Hull)

Karen Cariani (WGBH)

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University - to 13/8/2019)

Richard Green (University of Hull)

Alicia Morris (Tufts University)

Charlotte Nunes (Lafayette College)

Steph Taylor (CoSector - to early April 2019)

Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan) - link with Repository Managers IG

Heather Greer Klein - Samvera Community Manager


, facilitator

Robin Ruggaber (University of Virginia)

Molly Reed (PALNI)

Outreach Materials

The following are downloadable and can be used/printed as required for distribution.  They are distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.

Institutional profile template (May 2022) - for sharing of Samvera activity via the Samvera website

Conference presentations/workshops

Presentation templates

Leaflet - version 4, with Samvera Vision (March 2020)

Leaflet - version 3 (June 2019)

Leaflet - version 2 (April 2019)

Leaflet - version 1 (October 2018)

Deliverables & Timeframe

To develop a set of marketing materials and information to use at Samvera Connect 2018 and for others to use at conferences and within institutions from the 2018-19 academic session onward.

Communications support

Communications Logic Model (PDF)

Working Group working documents

Brainstormed list of marketing ideas

Draft content for questions we are asked

Draft content for one-sheet

Draft content for tri-fold

Draft content for Samvera website FAQs

Draft Audiences for Marketing of Samvera document

Vendors for Marketing Handouts

Sample costs of marketing items

Partner input from Connect

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

To be decided once the Working Group is confirmed.  It is anticipated that the pattern of arranging a regular call in a slot that suits the members will be followed.

Subsequent meetings to be held on:


Wednesday January 13th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday January 27th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday February 10th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday February 24th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday March 10th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday March 24th, 12:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday April 7th, 11:30 EDT - Focus on preparation for Samvera virtual meetings


Wednesday May 19th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday June 2nd, 11:30 EDT - Cancelled

Wednesday June 16th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday June 30th, 11:30 EDT - Cancelled

Wednesday July 14th, 11:30 EDT - Summer meeting themed discussion: Website review - Notes

Wednesday July 28th, 11:30 EDT - Summer meeting themed discussion: Samvera repository role - Notes

Wednesday August 11th, 11:30 EDT - Summer meeting themed discussion: Getting started wiki page - Notes

Wednesday August 25th, 11:30 EDT - Summer meeting themed discussion: Institutional profiles - Notes

Wednesday September 8th, 11:30 EDT - Summer meeting themed discussion: Social media use - Cancelled

Wednesday September 22nd, 11:30 EDT - Budget planning - Notes

Wednesday October 6th, 11:30 EDT - Samvera Connect preparation - Notes

Wednesday October 20th, 11:30 EDT - No meeting - Samvera Connect

Wednesday November 3rd, 11:30 EDT - Cancelled

Wednesday November 17th, 11:30 EDT - Notes

Wednesday December 1st, 11:30 EDT

Wednesday December 15th, 11:30 EDT


Wednesday January 8th, 2020, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday January 22nd, 11:30 EDT - Discussion of website

Wednesday February 5th, 11:30 EDT - Discussion of website

Wednesday February 19th, 11:30 EDT - Discussion of website and consideration of Samvera mission (with Hannah Frost)

Wednesday March 4th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday March 18th, 11:30 EDT - Meeting cancelled due to coronavirus

Wednesday April 1st, 11:30 EDT - Meeting cancelled due to coronavirus

Wednesday April 15th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda: Website updates, Review of events, Next steps for WG

Wednesday April 29th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda: Post-Partners meeting review

* Meetings cancelled until July 7th due to coronavirus priorities

Wednesday July 8th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda and notes

Wednesday July 22nd - Agenda and notes

Wednesday August 19th - Agenda and notes

Tuesday September 8th (note re-arrangement) - Agenda and notes

Wednesday September 15th - Agenda

Wednesday September 30th - Agenda and notes

Wednesday November 4th - Agenda and notes

Wednesday November 18th - Agenda and notes 

Wednesday December 2nd - Agenda

Wednesday December 16th - Agenda and notes


Wednesday January 16th, 11:30 EDT - Cancelled, deferred to Jan 30th

Wednesday January 30th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday February 13th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday February 27th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday March 13th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday March 27th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday April 10th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday April 24th - clash with Virtual Connect


Wednesday May 8th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday May 22nd, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled, agenda pushed to June 5th call

Wednesday June 5th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday June 19th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday July 3rd, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled due to US holidays

Wednesday July 17th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled due to vacation

Wednesday July 31st, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled due to vacation

Wednesday August 14th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled and agenda pushed to 8/28

Wednesday August 28th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday September 11th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday September 25th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda - cancelled

Wednesday October 9th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday October 23rd, 11:30 EDT - Samvera Connect


Wednesday November 13th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday November 27th, 11:30 EDT - Single item agenda, call focused on website review

Wednesday December 11th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda


Monday June 4th, 11:30 EDT

Wednesday June 20th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday June 27th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday July 18th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday August 1st, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday August 15th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday August 29th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday September 12th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday September 26th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

Wednesday October 10th, 11:30 EDT - Samvera Connect


Wednesday December 12th, 11:30 EDT - Agenda

To join the Meeting:

Please use the #marketing_WG Slack channel

outreach ideas

Resources  - a link to a general summary of marketing in an open source context.  Please add other resources that cover options we could consider.

Samvera website structure - December 2019

Meeting Notes

18-05-22 - Notes from initial meeting

18-06-04 - Meeting not held

18-06-20 - Notes

18-06-27 - Notes and actions for next meeting

18-07-18 - See agenda for notes

18-08-01 - See agenda for notes

18-08-15 - See agenda for notes

18-08-29 - See agenda for notes

18-09-12 - See agenda for notes

18-09-26 - See agenda for notes


18-12-12 - See agenda for notes (and all subsequent meetings)IIIF as exemplar of website and outreach

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

The Working Group meets via Zoom every third Wednesday at 11AM Eastern/8AM Pacific time. There is also a Slack channel available to support communication between meetings.

Previous meetings of the Group’s predecessor, the Samvera Marketing WG are available.

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