July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Connection Info:
Samvera Slack #connect2020pc
Agenda Items
- Welcome
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Guest Speaker update
- Prompts for topics/areas
RG to get in touch with Torsten Reimer at the BL and formally invite him to deliver the keynote. Offer him the chance to join one or our calls and/or some thoughts from us in writing. His wanting to address "challenges from closed commercial competition" struck a particular chord.
- Prompts for topics/areas
- Social Event Discussion - idea scratchpad Jeremy Friesen
Apparent we need a team - JF will put out a call for participation. - Call for Proposal Discussion
- Review CfP announcement document
- Review CfP workshop form
- Review CfP Presentation and panels form
a/b/c drafts for final comment by EOB 7/17. CfP will go out Monday 7/20 as promised (RG). This needs also to telegraph the poster call and the dev congress.
There will be competition for slots this year. Ideally need an evaluation process: RG to seek a copy of OR's documents. - Create a CfP form for social events
- Create a CfP form for mentoring program
d/e Discuss further next call. Need a small group to manage the mentor/mentee matching process. RG to draft form for involvement in the program based on last year. - Posters document - Group discussed JF's proposals further. RG will draft a coherent version of our plans that can be shared with potential contributors as part of the poster CfP in due course. Discuss next call.
- Conference Tools
- Sched.com update - Richard Green
Approval received from Steering to purchase. RG to arrange.
- Sched.com update - Richard Green
- Resourcing/Teams ideas/discussion
- Structure
- Program Committee
- Technical Team
...to deal with AV, on-line presentations, Zoom webinar software etc - Presentation Team
...think room captains: to work with presenters for timekeeping etc but also 'pre-flight' work. - Social Organizing Team
- Mentor program team
- Ideas on forming the teams
- Structure
- Developer Congress - update
- Team has begun meeting, want to make sure that times are advertised in partner meeting and conference.
This advertizing can, of course, be done. Dev congress team should just proceed - no need to check back with us.
- Team has begun meeting, want to make sure that times are advertised in partner meeting and conference.
- Open discussion
Next meeting:
08:00 PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT, 11:00 ET, 16:00 UK
Action items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
, multiple selections available,
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