September 24, 2020

September 24, 2020



Connection Info:

Samvera Slack #connect2020pc


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome

  2. Additions/changes to agenda
    1. Need to add link for registration on webinar to Sched.  DS to provide to RG.

  3. Presentations update
    1. Accepted 13/Declined 0/No response 6+1 (haven't asked about the substitute for Avalon yet)
      RG to send reminder 9/28 or soon after
      RG to notify unsuccessful proposers 9/28 but indicate that there is a wait list
    2. Avalon Presentation moved to Plenary + Lightning talk, one presentation spot is now available - why the lightning talk?  Lightning talk for demo - needs CfP response, please.
      Zenhub link
      Evaluation spreadsheet link
    3. How to deal with case in titles???
      Convert all to title case - RG to action
    4. Wiki program page  (audience to add?)
      Add remaining talks asap and include line about audience: "All are welcome but particularly suited to..."  - RG to action

  4. Review draft presentation schedule

  5. Plenary Speakers
    1. Welcome - Rosalyn Metz
    2. Code of Conduct - ? Hannah Frost and/or Jessica Hilt
      RG to contact them
    3. Guest Speaker - Torsten Reimer
    4. Community Manager  Update - Yes: name tba!
      RG to contact the new CM as soon as the appointment is formally announced.  Carolyn Caizzi (Chair, search committee) will introduce
    5. State of Samvera - Rosalyn Metz
    6. Hyrax Update ?  Julie Hardesty (Hyrax PO) 
      RG to contact
    7. Valkyrie - Trey Pendragon (Tech lead)
      Agreed during call
    8. Avalon - John Cameron
    9. Hyku - Kevin Kochanski or Rob Kaufman
      RG to contact them

  6. CfP WG & IG updates
    1. min 6 (8?) spots at 5 min up to 12 (16?) spots at 5 min - draft calendar and program
    2. How to commission these?
      RG to contact conveners of all WG/IGs and invite for 4 minute talk with max to slides (one the update, the other the essential WG/IG info)

  7. Resourcing/Teams updates
    1. Presentation/Technical Team david.schober
      1. Status Check
        Getting a background team of helpers together
      2. MC Volunteers for  
        RG to ask new CM to do one day
      3. ttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1nMa_s-7a-LH0sYV8fOb5PjuXbnz4NfLi2X3yythB3kI/edit (Tech team notes)
    2. Community Building Events Team (previously known as Social Event Team) Jeremy Friesen
      1. Status Check: The group met on Wednesday, and has discussed several community building events; They will likely need some wayfinding volunteers to help with these events.  The general idea is to focus on smaller groups of people for community events (e.g. tables).  To ensure people find the tables, we'll need wayfinding.  The group is assuming responsiblity for that.
      2. current working document with all current thoughts.
        Also plan for a "drop in" each day - think "the conference bar"
    3. Mentoring Program Nabeela Jaffer
      1. Status check: The mentoring forms sent yesterday. The mentoring subcommittee will meet up in two weeks to review the submissions.

  8.  Guest Speaker - reached out to Torsten, awaiting response 
    BM to chase urgently.  Especially need a synopsis for the wiki (even if this is later amended)

  9. Poster sign up - only 5 so far (have you signed up???)
    RG to send out reminder 9/28 or soon after

  10. Open discussion

Next meeting:

 08:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT,  11:00 AM ET, 16:00 UK