August 13, 2020

August 13, 2020


Connection Info:

Samvera Slack #connect2020pc


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome

  2. Additions/changes to agenda

  3. CfP Updates Brian McBride
    1. CfP Presentations - 0 (deadline August 30)
      If we haven't had a reasonable number of presentations submitted by our next call (8/27) we should consider soliciting some.
    2. CfP Workshops - 1 (deadline August 16)
      Proposal in the works from Notch8 and possibly from the Marketing WG.  Agreed to extend the published deadline by one week and during that time to nudge some of the 'usual suspects'.  RG to deal with email announcing extension 8/17.  Accept any late workshop proposals that we have the bandwidth to deal with.
    3. CfP lightning talks - 0 (deadline September 4)
    4. Discussion

  4. Developer CongressDeveloper Congress - November 16-18 2020 
    1. They're building out agenda for kickoff meeting, topic facilitator guidance, and shared development resources. Expecting a call for topic creation. Jeremy Friesen 

  5. Poster Sessions Discussion (finalize) document Brian McBride Jeremy Friesen
    1. Proposed Model 
      Ask poster submitter to identify time slots 19-21 Oct when the could be available synchronously to discuss their poster.  Program Committee then to allocate each a 30 minute slot in the 'normal' three hour time window.  Ask Partners during their call 8/14 for a sanity check on this process (RG).  Final discussion next call before putting out a CfP.
    2. Logistics/resourcing
    3. Draft CfP

  6. Social Event Discussion - idea scratchpad Jeremy Friesen
    1. Form the Social Gatherings Team
      See #8
    2. Resourcing social events team draft email

  7. Mentoring Program
    1. Create CfP for mentoring program Form? 
    2. When to start outreach?
      Seek team volunteers 8/17 (RG to email); Open the program sign-up 21 or 28 September (tbc)

  8. Resourcing/Teams review description document
    1. Presentation Team/Technical Team
      1. David Schober
      2. Eliot Jordan
      3. Jon Cameron (IU Zoom webinar admin) - DS to reach out and request that he identify backup(s) in case of illness etc.
    2. Social Event Team
      1. Email 8/17 for social team volunteers to "get going early September" (RG).  The team will solicit ideas for events once formed although we (the PC) might seed a couple.

  9. Presentation and Workshop Evaluation document
    Preliminary discussion but work deferred until we know how many presentations we are likely to be dealing with.
  10. Guest Speaker - Review/Add topic suggestions document

  11.  Open discussion

Next meeting:

 08:00 PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT,  11:00 ET, 16:00 UK

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date