November 19, 2020
November 19, 2020
Connection Info:
Topic: Samvera Connect 2020 - Program Committee
Time: Nov 19, 2020 08:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Slack #connect2020pc
Agenda Items
- Welcome
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Conference Survey
- Review 2019 Survey
- Changes for 2020 Survey?
- Marketing was interested in more detailed information about workshops.
- Suggestion to bookend the survey pages with questions about workshops and social events. Make it all optional.
- Good practice: test the survey for length (marketing group); include information about what the survey will ask and length
- Should add a question about the schedule/dates/length
- Feedback about scheduling days and format? Don't want to add questions we won't be able to address
- Problem with the workshop set-up; couldn't cap it for the workshops that needed it
- No complaints about Sched; very helpful. More expensive version connects with eventbrite.
- Typical attendance vs who indicated they would attend
- Awkwardness of the sched and zoom double sign up; ways to mitigate that next time.
- nice to have ability to close a workshop/cap it
- Heather will get a draft out for review for today. Will test with marketing group, and send Nov 30th.
- Conference Review (+/Δ)
- Workshops
- Nervous about the workshop but it went off without a hitch. Had help and a breakout room helper was good.
- Not clear if people were paying attention – hard to be interactive when you can't read the room
- Need to look at a way to cap attendance for workshops that need that
- likely to speak for longer when you can't take in reactions from the audience
- Other tools (Jamboard, miro, easyretro.io etc) might help to make it more interactive and collaborative, more like a workshop. Could suggest to workshop organizers
- Plenary
- Well attended, good twitter discussion, though provoking
- Did hear feedback that it is nice to hear from speakers who are researchers and using repositories for their work – connecting why we build these things
- Presentations
- Numbers were good across the board
- three hours felt like the right amount of time. More than that is too much.
- Wish it had been possible to block off the time, it is so tempting to keep working and not give the time you would if it were in person. Less about the dates and more about expecting too much.
- Could find ways to encourage managers to model the same behavior of giving the conferences time
- great conversations on Slack
- Encourage presenters to do a practice session to learn the software
- Need to account for the time needed to introduce, review code of conduct, and not cut into first presenter's time
- Distribute good practices for accessible introduction ahead of time
- WG/IG updates
- Quick and seamless; helpful to those not as connected to community activities
- Lightning Talks
- Interesting, flowed well
- Community Building Events
- Not many people
- Ones attended went well, particularly conversational groups
- Could have a longer groups on off days
- Suggestion of a set of presentations or conversations about global topics/specific concerns of different countries and regions
- Poster Sessions
- went well, 30 min session was right length
- Could we encourage more posters?
- Workshops
- Program Committee (+/Δ)
- Sched
- Everyone found helpful
- Google forms
- Can live on Samvera G Suite now
- Google drive
- Now have Samvera-based shared drives
- Github
- Worked well
- Communication timetables
- seemed to work well
- Presentation submission evaluation
- Jeremy will write up
- Sched
- Intel Sharing for Connect 2021
- Recommendation to put together a run book for a virtual conference
- Recommendation to put together a run book for a virtual conference
- Open discussion
, multiple selections available,