August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020


Connection Info:

Samvera Slack #connect2020pc


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome

  2. Additions/changes to agenda

  3. CfP Updates Brian McBride
    1. CfP Presentations - 5 (deadline August 30)
      (12 by the time these minutes were written 15 hours later!) Extend deadline to September 13th (RG).  Review submissions on our 9/03 call and commission some talks if needs be.  In extending the deadline, request particularly talks aimed at non-developers.
    2. CfP Workshops - 4 (deadline August 16)
      See if Tom Johnson might do a code walk-through (RG) (tick) and if Jon Cameron (or someone from the Avalon team) could do something (BM) (tick).
    3. CfP lightning talks -  1 (deadline September 4)
    4. Discussion

  4.  Guest Speaker - scheduling
    1. Guest Speaker - Review/Add topic suggestions document
      Invite Torsten to join our call on 9/10 or 9/24 (RG(tick)

  5. Presentation and Workshop Evaluation document

  6. Poster Sessions Discussion (finalize) document Brian McBride Jeremy Friesen
    1. Proposed Model 
    2. Logistics/resourcing
    3. Draft CfP
      ALL Please read through the summary at the bottom of the document linked above.  This will be the basis for the CfP form to go out 8/31 or soon after.  Need to note that the posters will go in our repository.

  7. Resourcing/Teams updates document
    1. Presentation Team/Technical Team
      1. David Schober
      2. Eliot Jordan
      3. Jon Cameron (IU Zoom webinar admin)
    2. Social Event Team
      1. Program Committee Liaison?
        Jim Halliday (Indiana)
        ?Jeremy Friesen
        Ilkay Holt (British Library)
        Anna Headley (Princeton)
        Kate Lynch
        Julie Hardesty
        Tim Lepczyk (WGBH)
      2. RG to send recruitment reminder to lists (tick)
  8. Social Event Discussion - idea scratchpad Jeremy Friesen
    1. Form the Social Gatherings Team
    2. Resourcing social events team

  9. Mentoring Program
    1. Program Committee Liaison?
      Abigail Bordeaux (WashU)
      Chris Awre (Hull)
      Robin Ruggaber

      Jeremy Friesen
      ?Nabeela Jaffer
      Chris Colvard
      Kiah Stroud
    2. RG to send recruitment reminder to lists (tick)
  10. Developer CongressDeveloper Congress - November 16-18 2020

  11.  Open discussion
    Move to weekly meetings in the usual Thursday timeslot from 9/3.  RG to update iCAL. (tick)

Next meeting:

 08:00 PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT,  11:00 ET, 16:00 UK

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date