September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
Connection Info:
Samvera Slack #connect2020pc
Agenda Items
- Welcome
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Scheduling Discussion
- draft time sheet
Not ADA compliant but good for people with red-green color difficulties. Sunglasses will be provided for others...
Plenary day should have time for Hyrax, Valkyrie, Avalon and Hyku presentations (in that order). Given the potential broad audience, speakers should be asked not to assume prior knowledge from the audience. Code of Conduct revamp will not be complete to report back on (report any progress at the Partner Meeting) so just need a slot to remind people that it exists.
- draft time sheet
- CfP Updates Brian McBride
- CfP Presentations (24) - Review submissions (deadline September 9)
There are more presentations proposed than we can accommodate (even if we 'stretch' the days a bit). ALL need to evaluate them (score 1-4, 4 is highest) against three criteria:
-- Uniqueness to the pool
-- – which one is the most inclusive
-- – contributing to the spread of audience catered for across the conference
-- Furthering the Community
-- – work done on the core software (Hyrax, Avalon etc)
-- – work done in the community that moves it forward
-- – increasing the size of the community
-- Quality of the submission
-- – engagement
-- – content
Should try to balance the content such that across the presentations it is 30% deep-dive technology, 40% forward looking technologies (IIIF, integrations etc) and 30% overviews.
RG will set up a spreadsheet for the evaluations by Monday 9/7 and transfer all the form information to ZenHub for organization. Final choices need to be made on or by 9/17 and will be announced by email (RG) 9/21 - CfP Workshops (5) - Review submissions
ALL to review submissions by 9/6 to see if any should be vetoed otherwise RG will send out notifications to workshop leaders on 9/7 and transfer information to the wiki and to Sched - CfP lightning talks (3)- (deadline October 4th - wrongly stated in the original agenda)
- CfP poster session (1) (dealine 7th October but statement of intent asap)
Not sure how many posters we will get; numbers were falling but an on-line conference might bring in more. If we have more than 18 (three days of six half-hour discussion slots) we could multi-track these but, if so, offset them in time. - Discussion
- CfP Presentations (24) - Review submissions (deadline September 9)
- Guest Speaker - Richard Green
- Guest Speaker - Review/Add goals document
Torsten is on vacation until 9/9. When we get to speak with him ask him to challenge, inspire, and to explain along the way how the British Library consortium (which is not a traditional academic user) came to select Samvera for this cultural heritage work.
- Guest Speaker - Review/Add goals document
- Resourcing/Teams updates document
- Presentation Team/Technical Team
- David Schober
- Eliot Jordan
- Jon Cameron (IU Zoom webinar admin)
- Social Event Team - idea scratchpad
- Jim Halliday (Indiana)
- Jeremy Friesen (ND) Program committee Liaison?
- Ilkay Holt (British Library)
- Anna Headley (Princeton)
- Kate Lynch (Princeton)
- Julie Hardesty (Indiana)
- Tim Lepczyk (WGBH)
MUST be a priority to get the social team moving on our next (9/10) call
- Presentation Team/Technical Team
- Mentoring Program
- Program Committee Liaison?
- Abigail Bordeaux (WashU)
- Chris Awre (Hull)
- Robin Ruggaber
- Jeremy Friesen
- ?Nabeela Jaffer
- Chris Colvard
- Kiah Stroud
MUST be a priority to get the mentor program team moving on our next (9/10) call
- Developer Congress - Developer Congress - November 16-18 2020 updates?
- The planning team set up 4 points of communication, with an eye on not overlapping with Samvera Connect's CfPs:
- October 1st: This is happening
- During partners meeting (quick blurb/update)
- Announcement at Connect
- November 9th: One week before "This is still going to happen"
- The planning team set up 4 points of communication, with an eye on not overlapping with Samvera Connect's CfPs:
- Presentation and Workshop Evaluation document
- Open discussion
Next meeting:
08:00 PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT, 11:00 ET, 16:00 UK
Action items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
, multiple selections available,