October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Connection Info:
Samvera Slack #connect2020pc
- Richard Green
- Kevin Kochanski (regards)
- Jeremy Friesen
- Eliot Jordan
- Abigail Bordeaux
- Nabeela Jaffer
- david.schober (regards)
Agenda Items
- Welcome
- Additions/changes to agenda
- Need to add link for registration on webinar to Sched. DS to provide to RG.
RG to agree with Jon Cameron all the links and sign-ups and take appropriate actions to share.
Discussion of whether we should attempt to poll people to determine geographical distribution. Decided we can probably get this info from the Sched sign-ups.
- Need to add link for registration on webinar to Sched. DS to provide to RG.
- Plenary Speakers (finalize)
- Welcome - Rosalyn Metz
- Code of Conduct - Jessica Hilt - probably pre-recorded
- Guest Speaker - Torsten Reimer
- Community Manager Update - Carolyn Caizzi introducing Heather Greer Klein
- State of Samvera - Rosalyn Metz
- Hyrax Update ? Julie Hardesty (Hyrax PO)
- Valkyrie - Trey Pendragon (Tech lead) Trey Pendragon
- Avalon - Jon Cameron
- Hyku - Kevin Kochanski and/or Rob Kaufman
- Presentations update Richard Green
- Any outstanding confirmations?
As of 10/02 (post-meeting - thanks BM) all now confirmed
RG to e-mail all presenters on Monday to get timetable checked for problems.
BM will create a folder (and confirm the details to RG) to deposit all presentations for the record and in case of technical problems on the day.
Zenhub link
Evaluation spreadsheet link - Wiki program page (audience to add?)
Added remaining talks asap and include line about audience: "All are welcome but particularly suited to..."
Now also add date/times RG to action
- Any outstanding confirmations?
- Lightning Talks - 6
RG to distribute evenly across Tuesday and Wednesday slots. Only use Thursday if these fill.
RG to extend lightning talk deadline until beginning of conference or the slots fill.
CfP WG & IG updates Richard Green - Status check
Five so far (Monday has capacity for 7 or 8). RG to allocate to Monday slot.
We will need to get the slides in advance and build a single deck for this slot.
- Status check
- Resourcing/Teams updates
- Presentation/Technical Team Eliot Jordan
- Status Check
- Presentation practice time for Torsten. Half hour. Maybe a couple of options? Yes
- Jon needs list of presenters and their email addresses to send out Zoom invitations. RG to action (see also #2)
- Jon Cameron / IU is not responsible for social event Zoom links. Correct? Yes
- Should Jon attend these meetings? Yes
All on track. There will be a private Slack channel for helpers. Jon will produce a best practice guide by Monday.
- MC Volunteers for
- Sign up list
- ttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1nMa_s-7a-LH0sYV8fOb5PjuXbnz4NfLi2X3yythB3kI/edit (Tech team notes)
- Status Check
- Community Building Events Team (previously known as Social Event Team) Jeremy Friesen
- Status Check
- current working document with all current thoughts.
- Jeremy missed the last meeting, but in reviewing the working document, things are on track to release the social events.
Lots identified!
RG to add the Community Building slots Friday - Wednesday to the wiki and to Sched: 30 minutes (+ 15 minute break for the pre-presentation ones)
Conveners will source their own platforms. Links could go out using Sched's timed release feature 15? minutes ahead of time.
All details to be sorted ahead of the virtual Partner Meeting on 14/15 October.
- Mentoring Program Nabeela Jaffer
- Status Check
Currently 5 mentors but no mentees. RG to mail 10/5 via Sched a reminder about the facility to people signed up. NJ to provide text
- Status Check
- Presentation/Technical Team Eliot Jordan
- Documentation Review
- review wiki/sched to ensure we have all of the correct times listed
- review wiki/sched to ensure we have all of the correct times listed
- Guest Speaker - reached out to Torsten, awaiting response Brian McBride
RG to try and make contact (phone if necessary) if we don't hear from him by 10/06. - Poster sign up - only 5 so far (have you signed up???) - Google drive folder for posters https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1j-GmRJgiJelO2cZV9i7gbwP94ZYveNRk
Now 6. RG to send another reminder 10/5. and to send out submission instructions 10/2. - Open discussion
ALL please check wiki and Sched information for accuracy and typos. More generally, if anyone gets a hint of a problem please notify in Slack so that it can be quickly rectified.
BM to add Heather Greer Klein (new Community Manager) and Jon Cameron to Slack channel
Next meeting:
08:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM MT, 10:00 AM CT, 11:00 AM ET, 16:00 UK
, multiple selections available,