18 September 2019
18 September 2019
- Brian McBride (Utah - Chair)
- Richard Green (regards)
- Emily Stenberg (regards)
- Mollie Webb (WUSTL)
- phil.suda (WUSTL)
- Karen Cariani (WGBH)
- Adam J. Arling
- Margaret Mellinger (regards)
Note Taker:Adam J. Arling
- Changes to the agenda?
- Local Host Updates
- Registration - at 99 early-bird registrations; no regular registrations yet; 13 local (including 1 Ubiquity, 1 EBSCO, and the scholarship recipient).
- T-shirt - to order beginning of Oct.
- Sponsorship - check w/ Ubiquity and Notch8 on sponsorship check. To ask EBSCO and Ubiquity for materials for bag, which will be ordered early Oct.
(Will wait a bit on nudging Ubiquity) - Rooms - changed the Quiet Room for Thursday in the DUC. Adding a larger Quiet Room in Olin for other days (except Tues). *Might* be able to do Developers Congress in Olin Library. When would you want to know for sure?
(Finalize Dev Congress room week before? - Classroom / conference style room? Not a computer lab would be preferred. Can start out in a room, and if so desired, break out into smaller groups and/or rooms. Extra power strips will be supplied. In general rooms will be determined as final registration numbers come in. ) - Other items? –We have asked to record the plenary morning, do we want to record the WG/IG updates and the lightning talks in the afternoon?
No afternoon recordings (having consulted the viewer count for the 2018 versions - Speaker permission(s) form – for Heidi Kolk (also keynote agreement?) Need forms for Samvera speakers? Will Heidi Kolk's slides be shared or just her talk?
- Harriett Green will give WashU welcome on Wednesday(Do releases need to be signed? Last year presenters were presented with a paper waiver form at registration (Tuesday). Last year it helped to have 3-4 people handling registration. The majority of presenters should be expecting this. Keep camera focused on presenter, not audience. Make a posting that the recording will be archived. Should there be a stock Samvera waiver form? Mollie will post the form they're planning on using for review.)
- Registration - at 99 early-bird registrations; no regular registrations yet; 13 local (including 1 Ubiquity, 1 EBSCO, and the scholarship recipient).
- Closing plenary session
- What will this consist of? Needs to be a worthwhile, tidy wrap-up - maybe summarizing the conference and teasing out trends, answering unanswered questions etc. Need to refine this idea.
- ideas
- retrospective, sharing and processing an event (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) - Jessica Hilt can facilitate . Anna Headley, Emily Stenberg, Mollie Webb, Irene Taylor, & Deb Katz volunteering for this.
(Each person will receive a card(s) to drive the group discussion. Some kind of pre-prep to help speed the organizing / sorting of cards process? Cards are sorted, then handed off to Jessica. Request Jessica attend the next planning meeting to discuss further. ) - Samvera Connect 2020 - Chrissy will present.
- retrospective, sharing and processing an event (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) - Jessica Hilt can facilitate . Anna Headley, Emily Stenberg, Mollie Webb, Irene Taylor, & Deb Katz volunteering for this.
- Discussion
- ideas
- What will this consist of? Needs to be a worthwhile, tidy wrap-up - maybe summarizing the conference and teasing out trends, answering unanswered questions etc. Need to refine this idea.
- Unconference Scheduling Discussion
- Starting Thursday afternoon?
(Offering a one hour block Thursday would be helpful. Working / Interest groups here? How about 1-2 slots Thursday afternoon for Working / Interest Groups? 4pm slot start (after sessions). If people need a Working / Interest group slot, it goes in Sessionizer. ) - Extend time Friday AM, push back closing plenary?. Olin 142 (Plenary room) is reserved until 2 pm on Friday.
(Friday session proposed start at 9am - room will open at 8am. Assuming people will start filtering out after 12 noon on Friday to catch flights. Unconference - keep all blocks same amount of time. 3 unconference sessions were scheduled last year. Slot times are ~ 50 minutes, or have been in the past. )
How are unconference topics proposed? Via software...so people know in advance.
All unconference requests should be submitted by end of lunch (1:45pm) on Thursday.
- Starting Thursday afternoon?
- WG/IG Wednesday session
- Status check - 3 proposals
- Status check - 3 proposals
- Workshop registrations
- Status check - 43 to date
- Status check - 43 to date
- Lightning talks
- Status check - 4 proposals
- Status check - 4 proposals
- Poster Session
- Status check - 2 so far
- Status check - 2 so far
- Sessionizer
- Status check: Aaron is organizing.
- Status check: Aaron is organizing.
- Mentor program
- Status check 4 mentors
- Status check 4 mentors
- Open discussion
- Future Meetings:
- October, 2 (absent Richard and Karen)
- October, 16 (absent Karen)
, multiple selections available,
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