7 August 2019
7 August 2019
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
- Adam J. Arling (Northwestern)
- Aaron Collier (Stanford) (apologies)
- Karen Cariani (WGBH, Boston)
- Richard Green (Samvera Operations Officer)
- Anna Headley (Princeton)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
Emily Stenberg(WashU Host committee) (apologies)- phil.suda (WashU Host committee)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- Mollie Webb (WashU Host committee)
Note Taker: Richard Green
- Changes to the agenda?
- Local Host Updates
- Plenary Speaker - Heidi Kolk - see #3
- Registration
Eight as at 2nd August - Lodging
- T-shirt - waiting for design and then will price out more.
Expecting draft design imminently which can then be priced up by local vendor. - Sponsorship
EBSCO and DCE invoiced. News yesterday that Ubiquity Press will sponsor. Several more look hopeful. - Other items?
EBSCO have been asked to make a decision about tote bag or folder by the end of August.
- Plenary Speaker update/discussion
- Go ahead or defer to 2020? Seek views on having a 'proper' plenary address then?
Long discussion. Heidi Kolk will be asked to give a plenary, 30 minutes plus 5 minutes questions. Invite her to discuss the content with the Program Committee. It will be good to learn something about St Louis and there would seem to be a metaphor between her work on the history of a house and the histories we try to build with repositories. Need to draw clear connections to make the talk relevant. She has a teaching commitment at 11:30 so her talk must come early in the plenary.
- Go ahead or defer to 2020? Seek views on having a 'proper' plenary address then?
- Update on status of CFP Presentations and Panels submissions
- Next reminder for CFP tomorrow
- Closing date extended to 18 August
17 as at 8/7 (21 at 8/8)
- Poster Session
- Are last year's instructions (suitably updated) reusable?
ALL - please check - CfP 22 August - 16 October?
- Are last year's instructions (suitably updated) reusable?
- Lightning talks
- CfP 5 September?
- CfP 5 September?
- Workshop sign-up
- Please check sign-up form here
ALL - please check
- Please check sign-up form here
- Open discussion
CfP for presentations and panels closes on 8/18 and we have a call on 8/21. In between, please will ALL look through the proposals on ZenHub to (a) identify any that should be rejected and (b) look for logical track groupings. - Next Steps
- Future Meetings:
- August, 21
- August, 28
- September, 4 (absent: Brian)
- September, 11
- September, 18 (absent Richard)
- October, 2 (absent Richard)
- October, 16