17 April 2019

17 April 2019

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  1. Introductions

  2. Changes to the Agenda

  3. Logistics
    1. Days/times of regular calls
      1. Wednesdays at 11.30ET alternate weeks with Marketing WG.
    2. Email group?
      1. Yes, and Slack channel.  Brian will deal with Slack invites and also set up shared Google Drive folder. Richard to populate mailing list.

  4. Dates and deadlines (remembering Connect 2018 was two weeks earlier than 2019)
    1. 2018 dates
      1. Workshops
        1.  CFP: 4 April
        2. Closing date: 27 April
        3. Confirmations sent out: 25 May
      2. Presentations and panels
        1. CFP: 14 June
        2. Closing date: 30 July
        3. Confirmations sent out: 8 August
      3. Posters
        1. Call: 16 August
        2. Closing date: week before conference to allow for local printing
    2. Suggested 2019 dates
      1. Workshops
        1. CFP: 22 April
        2. Closing date: 12 May
          1. The purpose of this early call is to have a list of workshops before people put travel and accommodation plans in place.  Should they fly in for the Tuesday (workshops) or Wednesday (conference proper)?
        3. Do we want an open wiki page for proposals or a Google form?
        4. Draft CfP here
      2. Presentations and panels
        1. CFP: 24 June
        2. Closing date: 4th August
      3. Posters
        1. CFP: 19th August
    3. These dates look workable but can be reviewed.  Richard to send out workshop CFP to go out next Thursday (25th April, following Virtual Connect) to collect proposals via a Google form.  CFP info also available on Connect 2019 website/wiki (connect2019.samvera.org).  WUSTL team will mention this during Virtual Connect.

  5. Early thoughts about the program
    1. We do not need to depend only on volunteered sessions: we can commission things
    2. Should we have a theme for one or more tracks?
      1. In particular, we have had the suggestion that there should be a 'blue sky' strand that encourages people to look forward rather than just report back on things that have done.
    3. It was suggested after SC2018 that lightning talks might in future take place alongside the poster session.
    4. Need to be clear this year about the difference between presentations and panels and which a person is offering.

  6. Any other business
    1. Can past year survey(s) be made available?  Yes, Richard to organize.

  7. Date of next call
    1. Wednesday 15th May 08:30 PT, 10:30 Central, 11:30 ET, 16:30 UK