12 June 2019

12 June 2019

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Note TakerRichard Green


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Rooming
    1. Request for developer space Monday 21st
      There is a room reserved in Danforth University Center (DUC 276). Can hold up to 60 people – on room list.
    2. Draft Workshops timetable
      Fine - but pair up the two Valkyrie workshops am/pm(tick)
    3. Need clarity over (potential) recordings: can we only record in the Knight Center?
      Can request A/V through Libraries. Would be easier in Olin spaces than DUC spaces.  WashU team to check possibilities for recording workshops.

  3. Program structure
    1. The Thursday/Friday question
    2. Emily's detailed informational email here.
      Too complex to change things this year.  Settle for a closing plenary/panel on Friday morning after the unconference. Liaise with UCSB to see if something different can be planned for next year.
    3. Thoughts on whether to have a plenary guest speaker?
      WashU team to see what might be arranged locally - 20 mins max slot.

  4. Presentations and Panels CFP
    1. CFP form here - please test/check
      Good to go after a couple of minor modifications.
    2. Ready to open 24 June (or 17th?) - but what should the email say by way of encouragement for particular proposals?  Anything?
      RG to open 17th.  Have a brainstorming session next call to agree a set of pointers about possible content to be communicated in a later email.  Scratchpad for brainstorming ideas hereEveryone please add ideas.
    3. Close 4th August

  5. Registration etc
    1. Status check
      Form good to go.  Everyone, please check: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zHyPCY_30FsLenQtsYFlAUZxYo9wUuyROc78AN2jefE/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=112320470777083845617
    2. RG to send out emails etc on July 1st

  6. Scheduling software
    1. Status check
      Stanford can't help. RG to arrange a one-conference instance of Sched for Connect.

  7. Sponsorship
    1. Status check
      Several potential sponsors contacted but no firm commitment yet (looking good, though). Fundraising WG will make more contacts.
    2. Invoices go out after July 1st?
      Yes - in new financial year, please.

  8. Any other business?

  9. Date of next call
    1. 26 June 2019  (apologies from Richard - also 10 August)

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