12 June 2019
12 June 2019
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
- Adam J. Arling (Northwestern)
- Aaron Collier(Stanford)
- Karen Cariani (WGBH, Boston)
- Richard Green (Hull; Steering liaison; secretary)
- Anna Headley (Princeton)
- Brian McBride (Utah: Chair)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
- anusha.ranganathan (Cottage Labs)
- Emily Stenberg (WashU, Host committee co-liaison)
phil.suda (WashU, Host committee co-liaison)- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
Note Taker: Richard Green
- Changes to the agenda
- Rooming
- Request for developer space Monday 21st
There is a room reserved in Danforth University Center (DUC 276). Can hold up to 60 people – on room list. - Draft Workshops timetable
Fine - but pair up the two Valkyrie workshops am/pm. - Need clarity over (potential) recordings: can we only record in the Knight Center?
Can request A/V through Libraries. Would be easier in Olin spaces than DUC spaces. WashU team to check possibilities for recording workshops.
- Request for developer space Monday 21st
- Program structure
- The Thursday/Friday question
- Emily's detailed informational email here.
Too complex to change things this year. Settle for a closing plenary/panel on Friday morning after the unconference. Liaise with UCSB to see if something different can be planned for next year. - Thoughts on whether to have a plenary guest speaker?
WashU team to see what might be arranged locally - 20 mins max slot.
- Presentations and Panels CFP
- CFP form here - please test/check
Good to go after a couple of minor modifications. - Ready to open 24 June (or 17th?) - but what should the email say by way of encouragement for particular proposals? Anything?
RG to open 17th. Have a brainstorming session next call to agree a set of pointers about possible content to be communicated in a later email. Scratchpad for brainstorming ideas here. Everyone please add ideas. - Close 4th August
- CFP form here - please test/check
- Registration etc
- Status check
Form good to go. Everyone, please check: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zHyPCY_30FsLenQtsYFlAUZxYo9wUuyROc78AN2jefE/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=112320470777083845617 - RG to send out emails etc on July 1st
- Status check
- Scheduling software
- Status check
Stanford can't help. RG to arrange a one-conference instance of Sched for Connect.
- Status check
- Sponsorship
- Status check
Several potential sponsors contacted but no firm commitment yet (looking good, though). Fundraising WG will make more contacts. - Invoices go out after July 1st?
Yes - in new financial year, please.
- Status check
- Any other business?
- Date of next call
- 26 June 2019 (apologies from Richard - also 10 August)