21 August 2019

21 August 2019

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Meeting ID: 253 930 403 
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403 


Note TakerRichard Green


  1. Changes to the agenda?

  2. Local Host Updates
    1. Registration – 31 as of 8/19/19
    2. Lodging
    3. T-shirt
      waiting for design by 8/26 and then will price out
    4. Sponsorship
      EBSCO check deposited. DCE invoice emailed. Notch8 and Ubiquity Press on board for bronze.
    5. Other items? 
      WashU working on a point person for volunteers and for scholarships

  3. Plenary Speaker - Heidi Kolk (update) - $500 honorarium
    1. 30 minutes plus 5 minutes questions
    2. Ideas for topics
      Please ALL post to the ideas page by EOB Tuesday 8/27.  Call with Heidi to discuss on 8/29.

  4. Update on status of CFP Presentations and Panels submissions
    1. Review CfP submitted - proposals on ZenHub or Thursday presentations and panels (thank you, Richard!)
      Offer free space to working groups at the end of Wednesday afternoon
      Ask Jessica Hilt to organize Code of Conduct preso for plenary (else John and Hannah Frost)
      Offer Avalon, Hyku, Hyrax, Valkyrie a 20 minute (15 mins +QA) high-level update slot in the plenary with the offer of a presentation slot later
      20 minutes for 'State of Samvera' address
      Offer all WGs a presentation slot (esp Roadmap Council and Marketing Group)
      Brian to update Plenary schedule, Richard to send emails as appropriate

  5. Poster Session
    1. Are last year's instructions (suitably updated) reusable?
    2. CfP 22 August - 16 October (sign up page)

  6. Lightning talks
    1. CfP 5 September?

  7. Workshop sign-up
    1. Please check sign-up form here  Open! 

  8. Open discussion

  9. Next Steps

  10. Future Meetings: 
    1. August, 21
    2. August, 28
    3. September, 4 (absent: Brian, Mollie) 
    4. September, 11
    5. September, 18 (absent Richard)
    6. October, 2  (absent Richard)
    7. October, 16