2017-03-21 Milestones
Date: Tues, 03-14-2017 at 8pt/11et
Connection Information
Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/346733833
- Milestones for Display Sets Requirements
- Status of Deliverables
- Requirements
- Mockups Required
Made some minor adjustments to the Milestones for Display Sets Requirements. Mainly grouped Milestone 1 & 2 into a single milestone with core code and UI subcomponents. And grouped Milestone 3 & 4 into a single milestone with core code and UI subcomponents. All other functionality will be reevaluated once these milestones are complete. The group considers this document a complete deliverable.
Action Item: Presented at LDCX and get feedback
The group agreed that there are two deliverables:
- Requirements - Display Sets
- List of required mockups for Display Sets
Action Item: Re-work mockups page to include the milestone orientation which will prioritize the deliverables of the UI working group.
UI Working Group
There hasn't been much of a response. The group discussed possible reasons for why there wasn't a response. Ideas for engaging the community:
- discussions at LDCX
- send second call for membership to hydra tech
- include additional information about the potential impact to the community
- include information about use cases
- reach out to known UI designers to see if their institutions have use cases which might bring them into the working group
Action Items: above list