Display Sets as new concept OR as replacement for User Collections

There is a lot of overlap between the concepts for Display Sets and User Collections.  There is a proposal that the expanded functionality of Display Sets be a replacement of User Collections.


  • Scholarsphere have users actively creating User Collections
  • Question:  Will logged in user be able to create a Display Set?  Or will it be limited to users with a specific role?
  • Question:  Will users be able to make Display Sets public?  Or will only users with a specific role be able to make a Display Set public?
    • There is a need for a Display Set created by a non-admin user to be able to share that Display Set with other users.  (E.g., a professor sharing a list of resources with students)
  • Recommendation of exploring Blacklight folders as a replacement for User Collections
  • UI concerns around how Admin Sets, Display Sets, and User Collections are presented to users.  For example, in the current (7.3.0.rc1) implementation, sometimes Admin Sets are referred to as Admin Sets and sometimes they are referred to as Collections (e.g. Explore Collections on the homepage shows a list of Admin Sets).  Admin Sets are managed on the Administration → Admin Sets menu while User Collections are managed on the top_toolbar → Collections menu.