2 October 2019
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
- Brian McBride (Utah - Chair)
- Richard Green (regards)
- Karen Cariani (regards)
- Emily Stenberg (WUSTL - Host Co-Chair)
- Margaret Mellinger
- Adam J. Arling
- Aaron Collier
Note Taker: Adam J. Arling - notes in (italics)
- Changes to the agenda?
- Local Host Updates Emily Stenberg Mollie Webb
- Registration - 136 total as of 10/2/19; did have 1 cancellation
- T-shirt -ordering October 1 or 2
- Sponsorship - Ordering EBSCO bag this week or next. Awaiting checks from Ubiquity, Notch8. Getting logos, etc – Mollie Webb (EBSCO doesn't need a table)
- Rooms - Olin room for Developer Congress is not a computer lab. Will confirm space ASAP.
When to assign workshops to rooms? When to assign panels/presentations to rooms?
Meeting with Knight Center October 3. - Volunteers - have local volunteers. Will share sign-up to Connect page for attendees. (Volunteer sign up page will be ready by next week, not tomorrow)
- Other items?
- Speaker permission(s) form in Drive at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HYqHLuH--k5YMKH8sxOblF6iv0VnpcEnl88x00BDTvo/edit (Print and make available for Wednesday morning speakers to sign)
(Last year, most attendees registered Tuesday morning. Pad the workshop counts, if people register for a workshop at registration?)
- Registration - 136 total as of 10/2/19; did have 1 cancellation
- Closing plenary session Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated)
- What will this consist of?
- retrospective, sharing and processing an event (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) - Jessica Hilt can facilitate
- Discussion
- Samvera Connect 2020 - Chrissy will present.
- retrospective, sharing and processing an event (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) - Jessica Hilt can facilitate
- What will this consist of?
( Confirmed the 4 "L"s as structure of generating content.
Organize into groups of 4-5 (small groups)? How do people group up, self-organize, or random? Probably self organize?
Everyone writes down ideas, then the group breaks up post-it notes into similar groupings.
Participants have a full stack of note cards each.
Color coded for the 4 "L"s?
Give an introduction to clarify what the 4 "L"s mean and how they'll be used.
Address feedback from last year's conference, give newcomers an opportunity to ask questions? "What is anyone 'lost' about"?
Needs: Note takers? People to help hand out items? )
- Unconference Scheduling Discussion