29 May 2019
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403Ā
- Adam J. ArlingĀ (Northwestern)
- Aaron Collier(Stanford)
Karen Cariani(WGBH, Boston)Ā (apologies)- Richard GreenĀ (Hull; Steering liaison; secretary)
- Anna HeadleyĀ (Princeton)
- Brian McBrideĀ (Utah: Chair)
- Margaret MellingerĀ (Oregon State)
- anusha.ranganathanĀ (Cottage Labs)
- Emily StenbergĀ (WashU, Host committee co-liaison)
- phil.sudaĀ (WashU, Host committee co-liaison)
- John H. Robinson, IVĀ (UCSD)
Note Taker:Ā Richard Green
- Changes to the agenda
- Update on room availability sheetĀ Emily Stenberg
- Local Hosting Committee updateĀ Emily Stenberg phil.suda
- Registration dates: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gqZrcUO270_o7NOT9WR5WZryO-Qr_Nsy4_iABl2I9mE/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=112320470777083845617
- Registration will open July 1. Will have hotel information and other costs on the website for Open Repositories.
- To discuss later? what parts of the conference would you definitely want recorded/streamed? Available through event planning in Knight Center rooms
- Are we offering a Dev Congress on the Monday? (What is the potential room cost?)
- Workshop CFP
- Status updateĀ Brian McBride
- Which proposals to accept?
We have 11 firm submissions and only 9 slots (if the Intro to Samvera is 1.5 hours - which was an offer) 7 x 3hour, 2 x 1.5hour.https://github.com/samvera-labs/samvera-connect/issues
- Update on sponsorshipĀ Richard Green
- Update on possible replacement for Waffle (Zenhub,Github Project boards, other?)Ā Richard Green
- Update fromĀ Anna Headley on Code of Conduct WG
- Software for on-line conference program
- Update fromĀ Aaron Collier
- Program Structure discussions
- How to improve Fridays?
- Plenary format, time, topics
- Presentations and Panels
- Lighting talks, time, duration
- Closing session? (Ask me Anything)
- Other topics for discussion?
- Date of next call
12 June 2019 (during OR...)
Update on Rooms and other arrangements
WashU provided an updated spreadsheet clearly indicating which rooms are available when.Ā Rooms for the Partner Meeting and possible Developer Congress on Monday are at no, or insignificant, cost to the conference.
RG to offer the Developer Congress space to the tech list with a deadline of end July to commit or not.
WashU team will have registration, hotel and local amenity information on the wiki in time for the Open Repositories conference (10 June).
Need to talk about what we want to record/stream.Ā Knight Centre rooms can do this for $35 per hour.
In due course RG will send notifications that registration is open to all Samvera lists with the message "feel free to forward this email to any colleagues who may be interested".
All workshop proposals will be accepted but this means using the Tuesday Hack Space as a workshop venue.Ā RG to send out acceptance emails etc.Ā The workshop proposal (ticket #227) was received too late to deal with and there is no longer space.
The Fundraising Working Group have identified an initial list of potential sponsors and will begin contacting them in the near future.
Replacement for the Waffle Board
ZenHub seems much the best option and has been deployed.
Code of Conduct WG
Mike Giarlo will convene this immediately following the Open Repositories conference.
Conference program software
AC will talk to Hannah Frost about this next week and report back.
Program structure
Long discussion about having some presentations/panels plus a closing plenary on the Friday morning, moving the unconference to Thursday afternoon.Ā Depends largely on whether it can be roomed:Ā WashU team to see what might be possible in that regard.Ā WashU team also to look at outbound flight times to predict what time East Coast delegate will likely need to leave the conference if they are to get home on Friday without taking a red-eye.Ā Defer decisions until we have better information.
Plenary:Ā RG to ask Rosalyn Metz if the Contribution Model WG need a slot.Ā Limit the time for Hyrax/Valkyrie/Hyku/Avalon reports (15min?Ā 20 min?) and provide guidelines for a common structure.Ā Should we seek an "inspirational" speaker to do a short opening address (akin to the Collegio de Mexico talk in Boston)?
Presentations and panels: consider wording the CfP to encourage more talks about "nitty-gritty" details of a major deployment (not just the software, people etc too) and edge cases (eg metadata in Solr not Fedora).
RGĀ to offer the Developer Congress space to the tech list with a deadline of end July to commit or not.Ā
WashU team will have registration, hotel and local amenity information on the wiki in time for the Open Repositories conference (10 June).
In due courseĀ RGĀ will send notifications that registration is open
RGĀ to send out acceptance emails etc. for workshopsĀ
AC will talk to Hannah Frost about Sched and report back
WashU team to investigate rooming possibilities for swapping Thursday pm and Friday am blocks.Ā Also to investigate flight times from STL for East Coast delegates.
RG to ask Rosalyn Metz if the Contribution Model WG need a plenary slot.Ā Ā