15 May 2019

15 May 2019

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  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Workshop CFP
    1. Status check

  3. Update on sponsorship

  4. Update on rooming 
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1og1VB-i3a2wRyPmneuye8V1KU4vX12OM6_VFBcK-pC4/edit?usp=sharing

  5. Planning for:
    1. Review the survey data for analysis for entire program
    2. Plenary session
    3. Presentations and panels (CFP 24 June)
      1. Waffle closes today!
    4. Lightning talks (when to schedule them?)
  6. Software for on-line conference program
    1. What was suggested to replace Sessionizer?  Sched?  ($250)
  7. Note taker for next meeting: Richard Green
  8. Date of next call
    1. Wednesday 29th May 08:30 Pacific, 11:30 Eastern, 16:30 UK


  1. Registration for Samvera Connect will open July 1, 2019
  2. Workshop CFP deadline is now set for May 28th
    1. Valkyrie committers are planning on adding one or two additional workshop proposals
    2. Suggestion for an RSpec workshops Anna Headley
    3. Suggestion for ansible, or other DevOps tools, workshop phil.suda
  3. Room Schedule, blocks colored in "pink" are the times at which the rooms are available
  4. Suggestions for updates to conference structure
    1. Plenary - too long? just right? 
    2. Lighting talks held during lunch break
    3. Lighting talks held during poster session
    4. Add an Ask me Anything at the end of the conference (45min session) 
  5. Ensure each session has a gatekeeper and timekeeper 
  6. Aaron Collier is the expert on sessionizer
  7. Presentations and Panels CFP will go out in June 2019 (google form)
  8. We discussed feedback from last year's conference "stop enabling brogrammers" and how it might tie in with an upcoming effort to revise the code of conduct and related practices.


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