Thursday 19th February, 2015
Thursday 19th February, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#
- Richard Green (University of Hull)
- Julie Allinson (University of York)
- Richard Higgins (University of Durham)
- Katherine Lynch (Temple University)
- Rob Sanderson (Stanford University)
Shaun Ellis (Princeton University)- George Kozak (Cornell University)
- Eben English (Boston Public Library)
Peter Binkley (University of Alberta Libraries)- Randall Floyd (Indiana University)
- William Cowan (Indiana University)
Andy Smith (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)- Sean Aery (Duke University)
- Colin Gross (University of Michigan)
Sue Richeson (University of Virginia)- Steven Ng (Temple University)
Agenda and notes
- Roll call
- Welcome new folks - introductions
- Facilitator and note taker for this call? Julie Allinson has kindly agreed to facilitate these meetings. Richard Green will note-take this one.
- Call for agenda items
- Next call
- Date? Thursday 26th February 8.30am PT; 11.30am ET; 4.30pm GMT - and the following two Thursdays also (the conference line is booked for the next 9 weeks if the group needs it)
- Facilitator? Julie
- Note taker? Kate volunteered.
- Discussion of Interest Group brief
Julie has put together an overview at Page Turners : The Landscape
- Acceptable?
Reinforcement that this IG is about the presentation layer, not the image serving level.
Group may wish also to come up with a recommended way of structuring Fedora objects to facilitate provision for page turning for those not using Hydra::Works
Solr index might be a source of data for the page turning process thus potentially avoiding the need to "understand" a Fedora object structure. (This approach was challenged later in the call.) Might want to visit both methods. - Modifications?
The brief might usefully contain something about "sharing methodologies". (Action: Eben to add this clause)
- Acceptable?
- First steps?
- Establish list of IIIF presentation API compatible viewers (with page turning capability) - either complete or in development.
There is a list on the IIIF web pages. We should review it for completeness. Eventually build a page identifying the perceived strengths and weaknesses of each.
Best first to build a page of what IG members currently have and where they are "trying to go". This will give us a checklist against which to judge the viewers: this is effectively the Use Case document suggested at (b). (Action: Julie to provide a template page; ALL to fill it in before the next call) - Use cases and requirements - types of collections (eg. regular sized, irregular sized, foldouts and inserts)
- Implementation
In the background we need to be thinking about how "this" might be implemented - especially to deal with ordering.
Jon Stroop has a Ruby gem "O'Sullivan" which will generate a JSON presentation manifest once the data is gathered.
Would be a helpful first step to look at a complete JSON response on a production website. Rob has some fixture objects on the IIIF website that can be used to check compliance and will add a link (Action Rob: Add link please. See bottom of the Page Turners : The Landscape page)
- Establish list of IIIF presentation API compatible viewers (with page turning capability) - either complete or in development.
- Clarification of communication channels.
Please echo all significant emails out onto the hydra-community and hydra-tech lists putting "[Hydra Page Turner IG]" at the beginning of the subject field to aid filtering.
- Clarification of communication channels.
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