Thursday 14th May, 2015

Thursday 14th May, 2015


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#



  • Richard Green (University of Hull)
  • Julie Allinson  (University of York)
  • Richard Higgins (University of Durham)
  • Katherine Lynch (Temple University)
  • Rob Sanderson (Stanford University)
  • Shaun Ellis (Princeton University)
  • George Kozak (Cornell University)  apologies
  • Eben English (Boston Public Library)
  • Peter Binkley (University of Alberta Libraries)  apologies
  • Randall Floyd (Indiana University)    apologies
  • William Cowan (Indiana University)  apologies
  • Andy Smith (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)
  • Sean Aery (Duke University)
  • Colin Gross (University of Michigan)  apologies
  • Steven Ng (Temple University)


Agenda and notes

  1.  Roll call
    1. Welcome new folks - introductions
    2. Facilitator and note taker for this call? Richard G and Julie
    3. Call for agenda items
  2. Review of progress to date
    1. Past minutes
    2. Open "to-do's"
  3. Where do we go from here?
  4. Date of next calls
    1. Thursday 28th May 2015
    2. CANCELLED Thursday 11th June clashes with Open Repositories 2015
    3. Thursday 25th June 2015


Review of pages.

Landscape Page Turners : The Landscape - this doesn’t need more work, provides overview and links

Mapping and Page Turner Solutions Mapping Page Turner Solutions

Divvy up the columns like this:

  • Richard G: IA Bookreader
  • Julie: Openseadragon
  • Shaun from Duke: Diva.js
  • Shaun from Princeton: Mirador / Digerati Player (RG can also contribute)

Current modelling practices Current modeling practices

Email to encourage those not on the call to help populate this page. Richard G?

Anyone on this group involved in PCDM?

Rob Sanderson

Colleagues of Shaun (not sure if that’s Duke or Princeton)

How far does PCDM support page turning?

Early days, but definitely interest in supporting sequences.

See Andrew Woods LDP-PCDM-F4 In Action

Shaun: osullivan gem is a way to map models to manifest

RG: any non-technical documentation?

No, but interest in doing that.

Shaun to ask Jon Stroop or Jeffrey Witt to write a blog post

Richard H will summarise Durham progress next call

Shaun: would be good to get more how-to info and comments on experiences and successes before embarking on any ‘development’

Agreed to skip 11th June because of OR2015, so after May 28th, the next call will be 25th June

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