2014-05-13 Metadata SMEs working group call
Carolyn Hansen
James Van Mil
Michael S Babinec
Jennifer B Young
Deborah Rose-Lefmann
Alex Papson
Julie Hardesty
Ellen Ramsey
Sherry Lake (UVA)
RDF Presentation
James provided a presentation on RDF at the previous meeting. This was recorded but there is a problem with the audio. James can do a second presentation – maybe in June?
Discussion of Metadata Profile Draft for Datasets
Definition of dataset needed – UVA has a definition that Ellen will share, WG looking for a broad/inclusive definition that can encompass STEM, social sciences, etc.
“Read Me” files – required by UVA to be uploaded with datasets, ex. manifest. Should this be documented in descriptive metadata? Also, concerns about problematic file formats, particularly proprietary file formats. Topic needs more exploration.
- Is it possible to have linking metadata that connects the dataset to subject specific repositories where it may also be stored, such as DRYAD?
DOIs – if the dataset has been submitted elsewhere, we need users to have the option of using an existing DOI.
What other types of identifiers can be generated other than DOIs using EZID? EZID generates DOIs only at this time, so if registering a new identifier, it will be DOI. However, users can bring in a different type of persistent identifier if they have already have them.
Metadata field needed to document where the dataset has been cited
Is there a way of linking the dataset to related items within the repository?
Date fields – desire for more granularity, ex. date submitted/collected/digitized, but also concern of keeping the metadata simple for users
Next Steps
- Group members will continue discussion by email and edit profile through Google Drive.
- Carolyn will submit report to P.O.s by May 30th