October 30th, 2014 (Program Committee Debrief)

October 30th, 2014 (Program Committee Debrief)


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#



  • Rick Johnson
  • Linda Newman
  • Adam Wead
  • Richard Green
  • Tom Cramer


  1. Chair: Rick Johnson
    Note taker: Richard Green
  2. Additions/changes to agenda
  3. Review post-connect debrief notes from planning and steering  October 9, 2014
  4. Thoughts on how the conference went
  5. Comments on Structure
    1. Workshop -> Plenary ->  LT ->  Poster -> Tracked -> Unconference -> Workgroup
  6. Comments on the program planning process and room for improvement
    1. Tracks
    2. Rooms and materials (whiteboard, post it, easel, etc.)
    3. Workshops (attendee list, etc.)
    4. Plenary
    5. Poster Session
    6. Lightning Talks
    7. Spotlight on attendees
    8. Online Program
    9. Session Chairs
    10. Unconference
    11. Workgroups
    12. Farewell and Sendoff
    13. Overall scheduling

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