Letter to prospective Connect #2 hosts

Letter to prospective Connect #2 hosts

To:  Northwestern, Case Western Reserve, Notre Dame, Indiana and Cincinnati




Invitation to host a Hydra Connect meeting in October 2014

Following the recent, very successful, worldwide Hydra Connect meeting in San Diego we are looking to hold a second event at the start of the 2014/15 academic year.

Mindful of requests and suggestions from many who attended the first meeting we should like to hold the follow-up this coming October somewhere in the Midwestern US and so we are writing to ask if you would be able and willing to host such a meeting.  We had 93 attendees at the first event and we suspect that there might be more (up to 150) at this second one.  In San Diego we held a pre-meeting workshops day and then three days of meeting proper (a mixture of plenary and breakout sessions) - this is a pattern that ideally we would like to repeat. 

Following the experience at UCSD, the Hydra Steering Group has put together a set of guidelines for organising future Connect meetings; it will be useful to you, in considering our request, to have a look at them.  In particular you should read the page on "Organising the Event" and that on "Matters financial" -  you can find the guidelines at  Organizing Samvera Connect meetingsThese pages will give you some idea of what facilities we think such a meeting will require and what the financial considerations might be.

If you think you might be able to accommodate us, or if you want more information or maybe just to talk through some ideas, please do get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help!



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