2014-10-20  Call for expressions of interest

2014-10-20  Call for expressions of interest


Hydra Connect #2 was, by general acclaim, the most successful Hydra event to date; it was also the biggest.  HC2 was a four-day event, attracting some 170 attendees; we’d like to think that HC3 could be even bigger.  An event on such a scale takes a lot of organizing and it’s probably never too soon to start!  Accordingly:


The Hydra Steering Group (hydra-steering@googlegroups.com) would like to hear from any institution potentially interested in being the host for HC3 next fall.  At this stage we are seeking only a brief Expression of Interest; an email which includes at least the following information:


  • the name of the institution (or institutions in the case of a joint bid)
  • an email address as a first point of contact
  • the proposed location for the conference venue with a brief paragraph describing the local amenities that would be available to delegates, including its proximity to a reasonably well-served airport
  • the proposed dates, or range of dates, available for the event (taking account of known national and international events that may be a conflict for likely attendees – see, for instance,  https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Related+Conferences )


The Hydra Steering Group has put together a set of guidelines for organising Connect meetings; it will be useful to you, in considering our request, to have a look at them.  In particular you should read carefully the page on "Organising the Event" and that on "Matters financial" -  you can find the guidelines on the wiki at Organising Hydra Connect meetings.  These pages will give you some idea of what facilities we think such a meeting will require and what the financial considerations might be.

If you think you might be able to host HC3, or if you want more information, or maybe just want to talk through some ideas, please do get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help!  Expressions of Interest should be received by Monday 1st December 2014.  In the New Year, Steering Group will work with one or more interested institutions to resolve the location and begin actual planning.



Richard (on behalf of the Hydra Steering Group)

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