30 June 2015
30 June 2015
Peter Binkley
Mark Bussey (Conference host)
Matt Critchlow
Karen Estlund
Erin Fahy
Richard Green (Admin assistant)
Anna Headley
Schedule (for info)
- w/b 1st June: Web page and booking announced
- (8-11 June: Open Repositories 2015)
- 1 July: Outline schedule announced following call on 30 June
- w/b 3rd August: Detailed program announced
- 21-24 September: HC2015
- Housekeeping
- Facilitator and notetaker for this call Anna and Richard respectively
- Additional agenda items?
- code retreat day
- service management as workshop instead of plenary talk
- Organizational matters just for info:
- Hotel arrangements
- Social events
- Poster reception
- Conference dinner
- Other...
- Public page here
- Room availability for reference: HC2015 Conference Rooms.xlsx
- FYI - Last year's post conference survey results
- Report back on to-dos from last time
- Karen: 30-35 minutes for 'State of the HydraSphere' fine; Tom Cramer will contact the other Hydra-in-a-box folks about the structure of that slot
- Mark: Sufia/PCDM - Mike Giarlo will be ringleader and take point; Tom Johnson has not yet responded about the RDF workshop; placement of Code Retreat (if at all) needs discussion
- Karen: Service management might be more of a workshop with a follow up talk
- Richard: Will contact WG and IG leaders to ask if they want a specific presentation slot (5 mins) or whether they feel their work will be adequately reported elsewhere in the meeting.
- Community ideas for content - page at HC2015 suggestions for the program
- 2015 Github / Waffle board
- 2015 program - template here if useful
- Finalize program outline
- Bulk of call spent on deciding workshop layout
- How to announce program outline
- emails and blog
- Add to conference homepage
- Feel we are in a position to announce workshop topics (but no guarantees) and that Wednesday and Thursday will "include the following"
Mark and Richard to sort out announcement
- Are there identified program items for which we can now formally line up facilitators/speakers
- Richard will do the admin of all the emails and tracking if you wish
- Richard will contact all the workshop leaders to ensure agreement and conference registration. The process will be tracked on the Waffle board.
- Specific "to-do's" before next call
- Complete to-do's from last call (all)
- Richard to get workshop presenters lined up and registered
- Plan next email(s) - when to send out
- Poster session (Last year's text here)
- FYI: No local printing facilities this year
- FYI: No local printing facilities this year
- Poster session (Last year's text here)
- Next call 14 July 8.00am PT, 11.00am ET, 4.00pm UK
, multiple selections available,