21 July 2015

21 July 2015


Peter Binkley
Mark Bussey (Conference host)
Matt Critchlow
Karen Estlund
Erin Fahy  (apologies)
Richard Green (Admin assistant)
Anna Headley  (apologies)


Schedule (for info)

  • w/b 1st June: Web page and booking announced
  • (8-11 June: Open Repositories 2015)
  • 1 July:  Outline schedule announced following call on 30 June
  • w/b 3rd August:  Detailed program announced
  • 21-24 September:  HC2015



  1. Housekeeping
    1. Facilitator and notetaker for this call
    2. Additional agenda items?

  2. Organizational matters just for info:
    1. Hotel arrangements
      1. DoubleTree reporting full?  Rachel to check on her return mid-week
    2. Social events 
      1. Poster reception
      2. Conference dinner
      3. Other...
    3. Public page  here
    4. Room availability for reference: HC2015 Conference Rooms.xlsx
    5. FYI - Last year's post conference survey results

  3. Report back on outstanding to-do's
    1. Poster email and registration reminder  Mark will find out maximum poster size; modify last paragraph to serve only as a heads up.  Richard to send out asap
    2. Workshop status
      1. Ask the Blacklight experts  :  Confirmed
      2. Fedora 4 : Treat as one day block
      3. Code retreat : Confirmed
    3. Plenary status
      1. Hydra in a box clarification - is it HiaB or HiaB+Avalon+HDam2? : Just HiaB - Mark Matienzo is going to lead this? Richard to confirm

  4. Program outline
    1. Resources list on parent page
    2. Finalize program outline
      1. What solution bundles can I use >> Avalon demo and roadmap? : Agreed this is a good idea.
      2. Can we fit in 60-second Newbie introductions  One at beginning of each poster half-session
      3. Last years Poster Session was preceded by a "minute madness".  Thoughts about repeating that? : Divided opinions
      4.  Interest group presentations : Split into two sessions rather than a single 9 x 5 minute block
      5. Ensure that the lightning talks in the parallel sessions do not clash; group them into 20 minute blocks to match the parallels
  5. Specific "to-do's" before next call
    1. Drum up some speakers for #19, #8, #7, add in a panel on accessibility (Matt to ping Mike Tribone for chair) and make a small design track of it.

  6. Plan next email(s) - when to send out
    1. Full program announcement
      1. w/b 3rd August

  7. AOB

  8. Next call 28 July 8.00am PT, 11.00am ET, 4.00pm UK

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