17 April 2019
17 April 2019
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Meeting ID: 253 930 403
- Adam J. Arling (Northwestern)
Aaron Collier(Stanford)- Karen Cariani (WGBH, Boston)
- Richard Green (Hull; Steering liaison; secretary)
- Anna Headley (Princeton)
- Brian McBride (Utah: Chair)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
- anusha.ranganathan (Cottage Labs)
- Emily Stenberg (WUSTL, Host committee co-liaison)
- phil.suda (WUSTL, Host committee co-liaison)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- Introductions
- Changes to the Agenda
- Logistics
- Days/times of regular calls
- Wednesdays at 11.30ET alternate weeks with Marketing WG.
- Email group?
- Yes, and Slack channel. Brian will deal with Slack invites and also set up shared Google Drive folder. Richard to populate mailing list.
- Yes, and Slack channel. Brian will deal with Slack invites and also set up shared Google Drive folder. Richard to populate mailing list.
- Days/times of regular calls
- Dates and deadlines (remembering Connect 2018 was two weeks earlier than 2019)
- 2018 dates
- Workshops
- CFP: 4 April
- Closing date: 27 April
- Confirmations sent out: 25 May
- Presentations and panels
- CFP: 14 June
- Closing date: 30 July
- Confirmations sent out: 8 August
- Posters
- Call: 16 August
- Closing date: week before conference to allow for local printing
- Workshops
- Suggested 2019 dates
- Workshops
- CFP: 22 April
- Closing date: 12 May
- The purpose of this early call is to have a list of workshops before people put travel and accommodation plans in place. Should they fly in for the Tuesday (workshops) or Wednesday (conference proper)?
- Do we want an open wiki page for proposals or a Google form?
- Draft CfP here
- Presentations and panels
- CFP: 24 June
- Closing date: 4th August
- Posters
- CFP: 19th August
- Workshops
- These dates look workable but can be reviewed. Richard to send out workshop CFP to go out next Thursday (25th April, following Virtual Connect) to collect proposals via a Google form. CFP info also available on Connect 2019 website/wiki (connect2019.samvera.org). WUSTL team will mention this during Virtual Connect.
- 2018 dates
- Early thoughts about the program
- We do not need to depend only on volunteered sessions: we can commission things
- Should we have a theme for one or more tracks?
- In particular, we have had the suggestion that there should be a 'blue sky' strand that encourages people to look forward rather than just report back on things that have done.
- It was suggested after SC2018 that lightning talks might in future take place alongside the poster session.
- Need to be clear this year about the difference between presentations and panels and which a person is offering.
- Any other business
- Can past year survey(s) be made available? Yes, Richard to organize.
- Can past year survey(s) be made available? Yes, Richard to organize.
- Date of next call
- Wednesday 15th May 08:30 PT, 10:30 Central, 11:30 ET, 16:30 UK
, multiple selections available,