Re-invigorate Service Management interest group, touch base on old and new business, get ready for a great year in 2016!
Discussion items
Roll Call
Sheila Rabun
See above under "Attendees"
Decide on best regular meeting schedule - once a month? once a quarter?
Meeting preferences will be addressed in Service Management survey to go out in March
Link to Service Management Materials from Hydra Connect?
Sheila Rabun
Hannah Frost will work on tracking down HC documents and presentation materials so we can potentially link to them from the SMIG wiki page
Round Robin - share what everyone has been working on and goals for the year (related to Hydra Service Management)
Sheila Rabun (University of Oregon): Oregon Digital is undergoing massive metadata and image cleanup, in terms of service management, our goal is to create our RACI matrix this year
Trisha Wilson (Emory Univ.): Emory is still in the planning stages for moving to Hydra, in March they will be working with a consultant from Stanford to get ready for their Hydra conversion. They already have their technical and functional RACI matrices. Next steps/goals are to create a vision statement, roadmap and prioritize conversion work, and then tackle more service management aspects.
Karen Cariani (WGBH): WGBH is currently working with Indiana Univ. on media preservation, with the goal to get something done soon!
Kieran Etienne (Washington Univ.): Washington Univ. is starting with Hydra - their first production was in Feb. (Curation Concerns) and second production in March (Avalon). Goals are to organize and better communicate capacity.
Discuss group focus: Hydra or repository-specific aspects of Service Management (based on feedback from Hydra Connect)
Identify shared priorities/future agenda items
Examples: Roadmapping, SLAs, top 5 priorities for service management, RACI matrix/team approach
Itil foundation has good standards and best practices: