

Call line: +1 (641) 715 3660 from 8/19/15 | Access code: 651025#



  • Re-invigorate Service Management interest group, touch base on old and new business, get ready for a great year in 2016!

Discussion items

5minRoll CallSheila Rabun
  • See above under "Attendees"
5minDecide on best regular meeting schedule - once a month? once a quarter?group
  • Meeting preferences will be addressed in Service Management survey to go out in March
5minLink to Service Management Materials from Hydra Connect?Sheila Rabun
  • Hannah Frost will work on tracking down HC documents and presentation materials so we can potentially link to them from the SMIG wiki page


10-20minRound Robin - share what everyone has been working on and goals for the year (related to Hydra Service Management)group
  • Sheila Rabun (University of Oregon): Oregon Digital is undergoing massive metadata and image cleanup, in terms of service management, our goal is to create our RACI matrix this year
  • Trisha Wilson (Emory Univ.): Emory is still in the planning stages for moving to Hydra, in March they will be working with a consultant from Stanford to get ready for their Hydra conversion. They already have their technical and functional RACI matrices. Next steps/goals are to create a vision statement, roadmap and prioritize conversion work, and then tackle more service management aspects.
  • Karen Cariani (WGBH): WGBH is currently working with Indiana Univ. on media preservation, with the goal to get something done soon!
  • Kieran Etienne (Washington Univ.): Washington Univ. is starting with Hydra - their first production was in Feb. (Curation Concerns) and second production in March (Avalon). Goals are to organize and better communicate capacity.
  • Discuss group focus: Hydra or repository-specific aspects of Service Management (based on feedback from Hydra Connect)
  • Identify shared priorities/future agenda items
    • Examples: Roadmapping, SLAs, top 5 priorities for service management, RACI matrix/team approach


  • Itil foundation has good standards and best practices:
    • foundations c