Project Director Meeting 11-22-13


  1. Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
  2. Claire Stewart, Northwestern
  3. Linda Newman, Cincinatti
  4. Jon Dunn, Indiana
  5. Robin Ruggaber, Virginia 


  1. Review of Governance Structure
    1. What we need to do to onboard the new institutions at the first meeting of each type.
  2. Discuss Roles and Nominations
    1. Add to the roles & nominations, alignment about the purpose and work expected of each role.
    2. Formats for what POs are expected to do & produce.
  3. Review Tools for Planning and Communication
  4. Review Sprint Schedule and Meeting Schedule Patterns
  5. Review Release Goals (if time)


  1. General Confirmation of Governance Structure Listed on Project page for Shared IR
    1. "[Robin please fill in more notes here]"
  2. Roles
    1. Overall Roles Confirmed
      1. First Overall Project Director: Rick Johnson
      2. First Overall Product Owner: Julie Rudder
      3. First Overall Tech Lead: Jeremy Friesen
      4. First Scrum Master: Jeremy Friesen
      5. Identified that Scrum Master, QA Lead, and UX Lead need to be identified
    2. Rotate Overall Project Director, Product Owner, and Technical Lead per release
    3. Some Expectations Identified (not exhaustive) for
      1. All Tech Leads: Attend daily scrums
      2. Overall Tech Lead: Define overall technical design, facilitate translating user stories into actionable tasks for developers, monitor code implementation to ensure matches long term vision of project
      3. Project Directors: Set Release Goals, Allocate Local Resources, Attend Daily scrums as able
      4. Product Owner: Define stories based on release goals set by project directors, have freedom to set requirements based on user interaction without much involvement from project directors
      5. Overall Product Owner: Attend daily scrums
      6. Overall PO, PD, TL: Maintain regular communication to communicate and track progress, resolve issues
  3. Tools
    1. Small team identified to evaluate tool(s) for planning, task tracking, bug tracking, asynchronous communication, and synchronous communication.  
    2. Nominations/Volunteers for team to evaluate tool includes: Claire Stewart, Ray Lubinsky or Robin Ruggaber, Dan Brubaker Horst, Andrea Zielke, Randall Floyd
    3. Goal Set to Select tools by Dec. 4th by
      1. Identifying Candidates
      2. Reviewing Pro's, Con's of each tool
  4. Review Meeting Schedule
    1. Project Directors Have Call Every Other week (taper off if becomes too much)
    2. Release Planning Meeting Two Weeks Before Beginning of Each Release
      1. Project Directors set goals prior to meeting
      2. Project Directors and Product Owners attend meeting to discuss goals, and evaluate for number of point releases, and number of sprints
    3. Perform 2 week Sprints and for each sprint
      1. Sprint Pre-planning: One week prior to sprint (second week of previous sprint), sprint planning call with Product Owners and Lead Project Director, product owners meet as necessary to define user stories until end of sprint
        1. First two calls scheduled for 11/25 (2-3 PM ET, 1-2 PM CT), 12/2 (1-2:30 PM ET, 12-1:30 PM CT)
      2. Story Review (2nd to last day of sprint: 30-60 minutes): Lead Project Director, Lead Product Owner, plus other product owners and project directors (as able) review stories
      3. Demo, Retrospective, and Sprint Planning Meeting: (3 hour meeting): Monday afternoon at beginning of each sprint
    4. Exception: First Sprint as larger group
      1. Special Case for first sprint to spend first 3 days on-boarding new developers with agile process
      2. First Sprint Planning Meeting on Thursday 12/12 to allow for onboarding first and avoid travel conflicts for CNI
      3. Still End Sprint Dec. 20th and resume regular sprint schedule in January.
  5. Review Release Goals
    1. Saved for first PD/PO meeting on 11/25, and continue Dec. 2nd
    2. Confirmed overall goals outlined by ND are good baseline
    3. Everyone has action item to put in any additions changes here before meeting Monday (11/25) for review during the meeting.
    4. Approach Next Release as a larger release containing smaller point releases.

Action Items

  • Update Role Descriptions on IR Page: 
  • Designate Scrum master (Done)
  • Designate Lead QA 
  • Designate Lead UX
  • Project Directors update release goals wiki page ( Phase 2 Release Goals) with comments by Monday, 11/25 meeting
  • Designate Scrum, planning, issue tracking, bug tracking, and communication tools by Dec. 4th
  • Schedule Meetings to review tools

  • Schedule Recurring Project Director Call
  • Schedule Story Review
  • Schedule Release Planning
  • Schedule Sprint Planning