Project Director Call Jan. 27, 2014
Project Director Call Jan. 27, 2014
Rick Johnson (ND), Robin Ruggaber(UVa), Linda Newman(UC), Jon Dunn(IU)
Agenda & Notes
Project Face to Face Meeting
- Looking at May, June, or July for a project face to face meeting somewhere in the midwest
- Go back and think more on when would be best for a 2-3 day meeting
Discuss OR 14 Proposals
- Overview of Cross-Institutional Agile Project Process: How the Hydra Community Makes Agile work for 6 institutions
- We agreed it belongs in main track
- Jon and Robin working on first draft
- Overall Hydramata Project Overview for Main Track (Rick and Robin)
- Hydramaton focused talk for Hydra track: Integration and Modularity of Hydra (Linda and Rick) (e.g. Avalon, Images, SHARE, Data, etc)
- Have first drafts by Friday as they are due Feb. 3rd (date will probably be extended a week)
- Overview of Cross-Institutional Agile Project Process: How the Hydra Community Makes Agile work for 6 institutions
Institutional Priorities
- We discussed at a high level what are important.
- UVa and IU focus on Data as they already have other systems in place
- Other Items mentioned important are:
- ORCID Integration
- SHARE integration
- Bulk ingest support
- UX improvements
- Data model extensions
- Avalon based hydramaton
- Adaptation of more robust RDF, metadata
- Fracas support
- Image Collections
- ETD's (not first for some)
- need DOIs & something more than a file agnostic system for data;
- Within the Hydramata diagram, it would be great to start filling in some of the boxes as complete by OR 14
Action Items
- Distribute draft institutional goals by Friday, Jan. 31st as google docs
- Share Draft OR 14 proposals by Friday, Jan. 31st
- Rick schedule Google Hangout for Friday, Jan. 31 at 3 PM ET to discuss proposals and goals
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