Project Director Meeting 4-7-14
Project Director Meeting 4-7-14
2 PM ET / 1 PM CT, April 7, 2014
Jon Dunn, Robin Ruggaber, Linda Newman, Rick Johnson
Notetaker: Jon Dunn
Next Time: Rick Johnson
Agenda & Notes
- Review focus for July release (similar to high level focus paragraph Julie requested for the April release) (20 minutes)
- attached again is the agreed upon statement for April and the draft up for discussion for July: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zl9_vpN5BqGcdBGwn5vM6vskgXmO7DY_uNVgFOBhyDQ/edit
- Can we pick 1 or 2 items on top of refactoring?
- July release is ambitious - what is most important? On top of refactoring, perhaps room for only 1-2 more things.
- What is meant by Large Collections? Large number of items in collection vs. large files - two different things?
- What is meany by DOI plugin? Separating out from Curate gem
- Goals for refactoring? Make more modular and reusable. Developers may have goals to make development more efficient. Will we need to react to refactoring elsewhere within Hydra / ActiveFedora?
- Where do Administrative Sets and hierarchies fit in? Planning during July period with implementation later?
- May be various things that developers will not have time to work on in July timeframe but POs and SMEs can work on in advance of November development
- If only have time to create Hydramaton for research data or large collections, which first?
- Jon, Linda, Robin: research data
- Rick: can we do research data without large collections? was assuming large collections had to come first
- Ask POs to define use cases for research data and see what dev is necessary
- Next step: Rick will send doc to POs for review/reaction
- Review work and resource commitment patterns (i.e. 25% resource on 1 sprint vs. 100% on 1 out of 4 sprints) (10 minutes)
- Follow up on proposal for minimum 50% commitment, with 100% preferred
- Does this mean 50% each sprint or more like 80-100% each sprint, but averaging 50% over, e.g., 6 mod?
- The team can OK someone contributing at less than 50% if they are comfortable with that
- People
- Follow up on proposal for minimum 50% commitment, with 100% preferred
- Suggest dates for face to face project meeting (10 minutes)
- Review initial topics page:
Summer 2014 Hydramata Face to Face Meeting Topics
- Any weeks in July that are better than others?
- Zero in on dates and then pick location
- Location TBD
- Review initial topics page:
Summer 2014 Hydramata Face to Face Meeting Topics
- Staff transitions upcoming
- Follow up on scrum master
- Review Expectations for Tech lead and QA Lead (5 minutes)
- any additional comments on the draft? Roles
, multiple selections available,