Sprint 9 Sprint Planning Meeting 1-8-2014


Wednesday, Jan 8, 2014


  • UVA - Ray Lubinsky, Sue Richeson, Xiaoming Wang
  • Cinncy - Linda, Glen, Thomas
  • Notre Dame - Jeremy, Rajesh, Dan, Rick
  • Indiana - Randall, Jim, Will
  • Northwestern - Julie, Claire, Mike, Andrea
  • Chinese Historical Society  - Steven
  •  DCE - Mark


AdobeConnect  (http://nwuniversity.adobeconnect.com/hydrasharedir/) & Phone (Dial 1-888-619-1583, enter Participant Passcode: 3432800050)

  • Demo – details being hashed out on Skype chat (All)
  • Team Retrospective - (All)
  • Sprint Planning – Story discussion/Points (All)
  • Tasking out (Team members – developers)

Meeting Notes

Meeting Recording


  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - Shared "vanilla Curate Sandbox"  - Jeremy

  • Navigates to https://curatevanilla.library.nd.edu/ 
  • Shows list of people signed in & approved in the system
    • (not part of Curate system but part of the Vanilla app)
  • Allows team to share work

  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - Establish coding and contribution standards – Jeremy

  • Readme file on github.com https://github.com/projecthydra/curate/blob/develop/README.md 
  • Includes table of contents as well as guidelines for contributing standards, includes “what you may need”
  • Guidelines for contributing resources - rather lengthy
    • Open question - Closed vs Resolved will probably go under this section
    • All developers (new and old)- Need to read the Coding Guidelines and Well Written Commit Messages (good citizens!)


  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. -  Give installer the option of including therubyracer gem - Glen

  • Necessary for Linux environments
  • Found during documentation pain points during installation
  • Was receiving errors, by making this change no errors and you don’t have to quit out and add in the gem manually

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. -Automatically unzip Jetty at end of application template

  • Added in a jetty unzip so won’t have to update manually

  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. Curate Install application template should run spec:Install

  • Not yet merged in


  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  - Key word searches work with partial AND/OR exact word matching -Randall (around 7:30:00) on the recording

  • stories were much bigger
  • Solr configuration/behaviors needs deeper analysis
  • Created new story 101 (made story Hydrasir 15 dependant on Hydra - 101 -may be superseded by 106)
  • What was happening: search options were be assembled and overwritten deep in code in controllers
  • Potentially should be happening by SOLR request handler, 106 implies wants to tie in authorization in searches
  • Didn’t complete this task/story because it belongs to a bigger story/topic

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - Autocomplete works on partial matches  (Mike/Paul) 

  • Currently partial matches on contributor field only autocomplete after one complete word has been entered.  - would need to type in entire first name.
    • completed, changed so user only needs to type in a few letters
    • only changed Contributor field, used wildcards the search on the front end before it gets sent into SOLR
  • Related works field was troublesome
    • seems like it is being implemented differently from Contributor field, using Jquery plugin, wildcarding it was tricker.  
    • searching is being done differently across the application,
    • story 106/101 would impact general search.  
  • Fix on the contributor field is temporary because with the fix mentioned above, search fix would be handled by solr level

   Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - Deleting user collections (Thomas)

  • Creating UI element for deleting collections without deleting works underneath collections.  
  • Controller was already created, index route already had a delete button
  • Didn’t have a delete button in show route UI.  didn’t have to recode the the controller since it was created in index route
  • Bug - Dialog box keeps popping up - known bug (confirmations dialog box)
    • get a confirmation
    • index collection is gone
    • works still persist
  • Created spec test for just this, not related to controller

(Bug) Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - A collection of only People appears to be problematic - Rajesh 

  • A person should not be able to be added to a collection

  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. - ntegrate my campus authentication system with Curate.

  • ND already has CAS implemented so he commented and closed it out
  • Documentation for institutions interested in implementing Omni-Auth added to the end of README
  • Added work to collection view page - still a pull request. not yet merged
  • Background to LDAP/CAS - after discussions, it was decided that since most institutions will only using one Authentication method, each method was documented, not in the Curate app itself
  • Curate does not come out of the box with LDAP, Sib, CAS but it is documented how to set up different auth implementation

Closing Sprint - Stories reviewed by Jeremy and team.  

Hydrasir 11 - Documentation points to other gems about how to do that.  Completed by Rajesh.

    - UVa not completely set up, not using Sib

Hydrasir 26 - Email sent to list, Readme file updated

Hydrasir 16 - Bug added about dialog box

Hydrasir 17 - CHSSC - ran into issues with curate reddit/resq - still working on it - for the project as a whole this work is on the horizon.  Closed as written, will write new stories as this needs to be improved. Has a CHEF cookbook available for internal use.  


Notes from Retrospective found in Meeting Notes

Action Items from Retrospective

  • Provide instructions for where to post documentation (Jeremy) 
  • Provide instructions for capturing Skype conversations (William)
  • Providing rudimentary design documents (Notre Dame)
  • Need to determine Versioning/Release Mgmt procedures (Team)
  • Provide guidance for Closed vs Resolved tasks and stories