Sprint 9 Sprint Planning Meeting 1-8-2014


Wednesday, Jan 8, 2014


  • UVA - Ray Lubinsky, Sue Richeson, Xiaoming Wang
  • Cinncy - Linda, Glen, Thomas
  • Notre Dame - Jeremy, Rajesh, Dan, Rick
  • Indiana - Randall, Jim, Will
  • Northwestern - Julie, Claire, Mike, Andrea
  • Chinese Historical Society  - Steven
  •  DCE - Mark


AdobeConnect  (http://nwuniversity.adobeconnect.com/hydrasharedir/) & Phone (Dial 1-888-619-1583, enter Participant Passcode: 3432800050)

  • Demo – details being hashed out on Skype chat (All)
  • Team Retrospective - (All)
  • Sprint Planning – Story discussion/Points (All)
  • Tasking out (Team members – developers)

Meeting Notes

Meeting Recording



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- Shared "vanilla Curate Sandbox"  - Jeremy

  • Navigates to https://curatevanilla.library.nd.edu/ 
  • Shows list of people signed in & approved in the system
    • (not part of Curate system but part of the Vanilla app)
  • Allows team to share work


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- Establish coding and contribution standards – Jeremy

  • Readme file on github.com https://github.com/projecthydra/curate/blob/develop/README.md 
  • Includes table of contents as well as guidelines for contributing standards, includes “what you may need”
  • Guidelines for contributing resources - rather lengthy
    • Open question - Closed vs Resolved will probably go under this section
    • All developers (new and old)- Need to read the Coding Guidelines and Well Written Commit Messages (good citizens!)



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-  Give installer the option of including therubyracer gem - Glen

  • Necessary for Linux environments
  • Found during documentation pain points during installation
  • Was receiving errors, by making this change no errors and you don’t have to quit out and add in the gem manually

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-Automatically unzip Jetty at end of application template

  • Added in a jetty unzip so won’t have to update manually


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Curate Install application template should run spec:Install

  • Not yet merged in



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 - Key word searches work with partial AND/OR exact word matching -Randall (around 7:30:00) on the recording

  • stories were much bigger
  • Solr configuration/behaviors needs deeper analysis
  • Created new story 101 (made story Hydrasir 15 dependant on Hydra - 101 -may be superseded by 106)
  • What was happening: search options were be assembled and overwritten deep in code in controllers
  • Potentially should be happening by SOLR request handler, 106 implies wants to tie in authorization in searches
  • Didn’t complete this task/story because it belongs to a bigger story/topic

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- Autocomplete works on partial matches  (Mike/Paul) 

  • Currently partial matches on contributor field only autocomplete after one complete word has been entered.  - would need to type in entire first name.
    • completed, changed so user only needs to type in a few letters
    • only changed Contributor field, used wildcards the search on the front end before it gets sent into SOLR
  • Related works field was troublesome
    • seems like it is being implemented differently from Contributor field, using Jquery plugin, wildcarding it was tricker.  
    • searching is being done differently across the application,
    • story 106/101 would impact general search.  
  • Fix on the contributor field is temporary because with the fix mentioned above, search fix would be handled by solr level


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- Deleting user collections (Thomas)

  • Creating UI element for deleting collections without deleting works underneath collections.  
  • Controller was already created, index route already had a delete button
  • Didn’t have a delete button in show route UI.  didn’t have to recode the the controller since it was created in index route
  • Bug - Dialog box keeps popping up - known bug (confirmations dialog box)
    • get a confirmation
    • index collection is gone
    • works still persist
  • Created spec test for just this, not related to controller


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- A collection of only People appears to be problematic - Rajesh 

  • A person should not be able to be added to a collection


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- ntegrate my campus authentication system with Curate.

  • ND already has CAS implemented so he commented and closed it out
  • Documentation for institutions interested in implementing Omni-Auth added to the end of README
  • Added work to collection view page - still a pull request. not yet merged
  • Background to LDAP/CAS - after discussions, it was decided that since most institutions will only using one Authentication method, each method was documented, not in the Curate app itself
  • Curate does not come out of the box with LDAP, Sib, CAS but it is documented how to set up different auth implementation

Closing Sprint - Stories reviewed by Jeremy and team.  

Hydrasir 11 - Documentation points to other gems about how to do that.  Completed by Rajesh.

    - UVa not completely set up, not using Sib

Hydrasir 26 - Email sent to list, Readme file updated

Hydrasir 16 - Bug added about dialog box

Hydrasir 17 - CHSSC - ran into issues with curate reddit/resq - still working on it - for the project as a whole this work is on the horizon.  Closed as written, will write new stories as this needs to be improved. Has a CHEF cookbook available for internal use.  


Notes from Retrospective found in Meeting Notes

Action Items from Retrospective

  • Provide instructions for where to post documentation (Jeremy) 
  • Provide instructions for capturing Skype conversations (William)
  • Providing rudimentary design documents (Notre Dame)
  • Need to determine Versioning/Release Mgmt procedures (Team)
  • Provide guidance for Closed vs Resolved tasks and stories