Project Director Meeting Dec. 16, 2013

Project Director Meeting Dec. 16, 2013

Call In Info:

US/CAN Toll Free 1-877-806-9883
Participant Passcode:  981 433 3414



  1. Facilitator: Rick Johnson
  2. Set Notetaker: Robin Ruggaber
  3. Kudos (Keep 3-6 to 15 minutes)
    1. Nice job on tool selection!
    2. Scrum training
    3. Kickoff meeting rolling into scrums
  4. Contribution pattern from DCE
  5. Project contributions (from just full partners?)
  6. Review Schedule (any other conflicts)
    1. Overall Sprint Schedule:  Hydramata sprint schedule
  7. Review   Phase 2 Release Goals (Keep to 15 min)
  8. HydraConnect Meeting Planning (keep to 20 min)
    1. Possible Hydra Connect topics:  Straw Schedule for Hydra Connect 2014

      1. what it's like to be a manager for Curate
      2. what it's like to be a developer for Curate
      3. intro to scrum training (for anyone, not just Curate)
      4. Panel idea:  Collaborative projects, how we synchronize development and organize ourselves (could be with Avalon for example)
      5. Curate project update (include demos?) f
      6. Lightning talk/demo station
      7. Social gathering?
      8. Workgroup
        • Dev, Tech Lead
        • PO: Product owners would benefit from Face to Face planning (should be on Friday but needs to consider overlap with other topics, like Avalon)
        • PD: Some time for strategic discussion (for example Share, Grants, Sharing infrastructure and code). Needs to be on Wednesday or Thursday due to Conflicts with Claire and Jon's schedules. 
  9. Host for shared sandbox
  10. Designate Backups
    1. Tech Lead, PO, Scrum Master: Andrea or Mark B.?
  11. Candidates for UX and QA leads
    1. Notes from 12/2 meeting
      1. Lead UX:  still need to identify someone. Jon stated IU has a new UX person with capacity. We need to define this role and figure out how much work would be expected as far as a time commitment. This person does not need to actually code the UI, but should be the main point person who can inspect and provide guidance regarding relating to design, user interaction, usability, accessibility.  Could this person devote 30-50% of their time to the project.   An excellent UI will be very important when it comes to institutional buy in. 
  12. Remaining Governance Items
    1. Onboarding new partners
    2. Other?
  13. Title of project
    1. Curate
    2. Shared IR (can be confusing as just sharing code)
    3. Other?
  14. Other questions at this point?


  • Recognition of progress and some discussion about protecting Jeremy's time; possible need to enroll another scrum master
  • Contribution pattern from DCE
    • contributions on the behalf of a partner involved in this project would be handled jsut as any other institution joining
    • contributions for work where they are using curate as a base, would involve a review by POs and then prioritization and implementation in the way other features are evaluated and implemented
    • need for communication on what they are working on to prevent duplicative effort may be resolved by Mark Bussey's offer to be a PD/PO for DCE; PDs will handle focus and priority setting as a group and will address any obstacles as they arise
  • Project contributions (from just full partners?)
    • would welcome additional developers but need some framework and on boarding for both tech and no-tech
    • documentation is needed to clarify 
      • lead PO and Tech Lead will handle technical and non technical aspects of managing on boarding
      • expectations of what is required to be a Hydra dev (signed ICLA, skills, etc)
      • code vetting
      • commitment  levels
  • Review Schedule (any other conflicts) - reviewed and Andrea will request everyone to confirm commitments; most people have resources that will be committed for most
  • Review   Phase 2 Release Goals (Keep to 15 min)
    • approved
    • schedule for ORCID prototype ready for shared coding meeting in Chicago (late Feb or early Mar); demonstration end of May 2014
  • HydraConnect Meeting Planning (keep to 20 min)
    • Possible Hydra Connect topics:  Straw Schedule for Hydra Connect 2014

      • what it's like to be a manager for Curate
      • what it's like to be a developer for Curate
      • intro to scrum training (for anyone, not just Curate)
      • Panel idea:  Collaborative projects, how we synchronize development and organize ourselves (could be with Avalon for example)
      • Curate project update (include demos?) f
      • Lightning talk/demo station
      • Social gathering?
      • Workgroup
        • Dev, Tech Lead
        • PO: Product owners would benefit from Face to Face planning (should be on Friday but needs to consider overlap with other topics, like Avalon)
        • PD: Some time for strategic discussion (for example Share, Grants, Sharing infrastructure and code). Needs to be on Wednesday or Thursday due to Conflicts with Claire and Jon's schedules. 
  • Host for shared sandbox - ND with Cincinnati as backup
  • Designate Backups
    • Tech Lead, PO, Scrum Master: Andrea or Mark B.?
  • Candidates for UX and QA leads
    • Notes from 12/2 meeting
      • Lead UX:  still need to identify someone. Jon stated IU has a new UX person with capacity. We need to define this role and figure out how much work would be expected as far as a time commitment. This person does not need to actually code the UI, but should be the main point person who can inspect and provide guidance regarding relating to design, user interaction, usability, accessibility.  Could this person devote 30-50% of their time to the project.   An excellent UI will be very important when it comes to institutional buy in. 
  • Remaining Governance Items
    • Onboarding new partners
    • Other?
  • Title of project
    • Curate
    • Shared IR (can be confusing as just sharing code)
    • Other?

Action Items (with carryover)

@ Tech Lead backup

Claire Stewart add documentation on how non-participating institution developers may get involved

Nail down release numbering scheme

Designate Lead QA 

Designate Lead UX