July 10th, 2014

July 10th, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#



  • Tom Cramer
  • Rick Johnson
  • Linda Newman
  • Adam Wead
  • Richard Green
  • Mark Bussey
  • Chris Awre 
  • Patrick Feeley
  • Ginnie Dressler (apologies)


Draft Agenda

  1. Chair: Rick Johnson
    Note taker: Richard Green
  2. Additions/changes to agenda
  3. Report from the logistics group
    1. Conference rooms
      Richard was asked to provide details of rooms - See  Essential logistics facts
    2. Conference booking
      Booking open; notionally capped at 150 but can likely be stretched somewhat. See  Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
    3. Hotel accommodation
      Special rate available until the end of August.  We are committed only to the first 20 rooms. See  Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
    4. Catering
      See Essential logistics facts 
    5. Social activities
      Dinner booked at "The Jolly Scholar" in Thwing for Wednesday 5.30pm
      Ginnie has organised a Beer Bus for Tuesday evening 
  4. Program
    1. Dividing the program into tracks - suggested:
      1. Established developers
      2. Established managers
      3. New and prospective adopters
      4. Specialist one-offs (that don't fit the above)
        Program group agrees with the suggested tracks.
        Event should be promoted beyond Hydra once Hydranauts have had time to register (C4L, fedora-community etc)
        Must make sure new and prospective adopters are well provided for
        Steering should mine their lists for folks who "need" to be invited
        Encourage Hydranauts to invite any contacts who are seriously interested in Hydra
        Need to brainstorm a list of topics that should be covered. Brainstorming page is hereSubject matter brainstorming
        Need a mix of presentation types in each track
        Lightning talks need to be carefully crafted to fit, and be effective within, the timeslot allocated
        If we have "spontaneous" (ie not pre-commissioned) lightning talks, we need to provide an adequate time slot
      5. Need to be aware of feedback from Connect #1  Feedback summary is herehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/145TubbIPus7DLqpSdS257lOxzeoab-KkTxXunM2ogws/viewanalytics
    2. Workshops (current list)  Items with no tick (tick) need commissioning:
      1. Hydra for (new) managers
      2. Hydra for DevOps  (tick)
      3. Dive into Hydra
      4. Test-driven development
      5. Agile (developers and managers to be handled jointly or split)
      6. Detailed demos/case studies of production systems for new and potential Hydra adopters
      7. Code Retreat for Hydra (Jeremy Friesen writes "This has no direct connection to Hydra, but is a means of sharpening the participants toolkit.")  (tick)
      8. Fedora 4 / Hydra test drive, and roadmap planning  (tick)
      9. RDF
      10. GeoData
    3. Additional workshops?
      Intro to Blacklight?
      Intro to Rails?
      HAWG?  May be better as a Friday Workgroup.  Hydra interest groups (HAWG, UX, Digital Preservation etc) may appreciate a place in the program somewhere to promote themselves. 
    4. Wednesday and Thursday
      1. Structure
      2. Show and tell session - inc. what information needs to go out in advance
        1. poster size
        2. poster printing
        3. screens for demos?
          Need to get clear information out in advance around what is required, and that CWRU will print posters locally 
        4. ...
      3. Talks - what?  Commission them?
      4. Unconference and its organization
        Mark may have access to a software tool that will help organize any inconference sessions
    5. Friday "structure"
      1. Ask people to bid for rooms?  Or?
  5. Any other business
  6. Date of next call - Thursday 17th July usual timeslot
    1. Need to set some milestones


Essential action items:

  1. Review logistics provision including  Essential logistics facts
  2. Add to  Subject matter brainstorming page
  3. Review feedback from Connect #1 ahttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/145TubbIPus7DLqpSdS257lOxzeoab-KkTxXunM2ogws/viewanalytics


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