2024-10-11 Partner Call

2024-10-11 Partner Call

Samvera Partners Call

Friday, October 11, 2024

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 819 7331 3501
Passcode: 603236
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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community calls to be fun, informative, engaging events for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @david.schober


  • @Chris Awre

  • @Esmé Cowles

  • @Stuart Kenny

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Emily Lynema

  • @Nicholas Mark Homenda

  • @Paul Walk

  • @Brian McBride

  • @david.schober

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Kate Lynch

  • @Collin Brittle

  • @Jill Morris

  • @Nora Zimmerman

  • @Christine Peterson

  • @Jon Dunn


Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda?
    Nothing to add

  2. Demo and discussion: Princeton Data ingestion and ORCID at Princeton (Kate)

    1. Recording on Zoom Passcode: 5kS4iKz=

    2. Orcid demo

    3. Users link orcid to orcid@princeton

    4. The default is 20years auth, users set and forget it

    5. Users can revoke priv whenever

    6. store user token encrypted in the rails application

    7. Data COMMONs

      1. If you are a researcher, you generally only see your submissions

      2. start a submission

      3. intentionally simplified form, can add creators by orcid, does not currently integrate with orcid at princeton, but may iin the future

      4. minimal metadata (title, description, rights, creator)_

      5. funder info, etc extra information but very relevant

      6. workflow allows saving and draft-mode which does not submit for review by curators

      7. when messages are updated between curator and researchers logged and visible.

      8. there is no going back. Once a dataset is approved, it’s done. It is changed from Draft--> Active

      9. you can use globus to download files

      10. GoLive, started with discovery, pulling from legacy dspace for ~1year. Developed ingestion platform, describe about a year. Positive engagement. Hit a milestone when a large amount of the data was migrated out. Very shortly after research data . Orcid just launched in Sept. this year. Key stakeholders have been introduced. PDC and Orcid are poised to have more public engagement.

  3. Regional Meetings - upcoming, and reflections so far

    1. Midwest, 33 attendees - unconference notes

      1. successful, meeting notes included

      2. useful generally.

      3. critical mass of Hyku users and local avalon folks and hyrax folks, great cross discussions

      4. great share fair. We had a lot of people doing very different things with each of the platforms.

    2. West Coast, 17 attendees - unconference notes

    3. Northeast (10/14-10/15)

    4. Europe (10/22)

    5. Samvera Community meeting - Wednesday, December 2th from 1-3pm?

      1. propose a share fair. Not a webinar style but a community call style. Could share themes, etc.

      2. @Heather Greer Klein to start organizing

  4. Partner call survey results, new meeting day and time for 2024

    1. Proposed new Partner meeting day and time for 2025 - 2nd Thursday at 12pm ET/9am PT/5pm GMT

    2. no complaints, we will move forward and see if we can get more west-coast folks.

  5. Community metrics

    1. For a community like Samvera with multiple platforms and tools, what metrics should we track to monitor community sustainability, growth, participation, etc?

      1. how the system is doing and the community. admins have been hearing a lot about participation has waned, how are they gauging (kpis, etc). Is there a report about adoption, etc.

      2. known implementations can be tricky, samvera as an organization is more complex than a vendor with a single product.

      3. attempts about where we are

      4. We used to demonstrate that various commits to our github. Community engagement (github? slack? others?)

        1. There’s been some attempt to capture that kind of data @Esmé Cowles has done this in the past

        2. metrics are one thing to look at for the health of the community

        3. What about coupling installs with version information. Contemporary versions tells a story about the ecosystem

        4. every hyku instance is a hyrax instance

        5. @Paul Walk is developing an “international repository directory”

        6. valkyrie, serverless-iiif, etc

        7. Should we revisit the “It takes a village” framework periodically to assess how mature you are in key community metrics. https://itav.lyrasis.org

          1. There might be an activity. in that tookit to help this convo


    2. What does your institution look at when evaluating an open source system community? Please send to Heather if you have documentation

    3. What kinds of information is persuasive with stakeholders in your institution?

      1. health of code

      2. installs of components, tools, and. products

      3. health of community

      4. @Heather Greer Klein to start to think about how to collect data and better tell the story on our website

      5. @Paul Walk and @Heather Greer Klein to put together an up to date list of hyrax/hyku instances

  6. Hyrax/Hyku Community Sprints

    1. September 30th - October 11th participation report and report out of results

      1. Participants: Rebekah Kati, UNC-CH
        Daniel Pierce, IU
        Clare Barton, Emory
        Chris Colvard, IU
        Randall Floyd, IU
        Nicholas Homenda, Tufts
        Max Mayhew, Emory

      2. Still work to do on both the bootstrap 5 upgrade and the rails 7.2 upgrade. Daniel is doing some work on browse-everything as well because it was blocking the bootstrap upgrade in hyrax.

      3. We've made progress on Bootstrap 5. There was an issue that turned out to be namespace related, which is now sorted and work is going smoothly now. Very grateful for the help from Clare and Max at Emory

      4. We've also made progress on Rails 7.2, but Randall is working on a few bugs

      5. Chris and Randall updated the core components in Hyrax which overlap with Avalon

    2. October 28-November 8: Accessibility - Goal to address all reported WCAG 2.0 A and AA accessibility issues. We’re feeling ambitious and need your help!

    3. @Paul Walk has dev resources.

  7. Other Updates: 

    1. Nominations for the Samvera Board 2025 elections

    2. Sign up to present or facilitate a topic (5 - 30 minutes) at a future Partner call

      1. Potential idea related to the challenge of campus v library IT

    3. Congratulations to Daniel Pierce, winner of the 2024 Julie Allinson Award!

      1. Asking for donations to keep the award fund going

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item) 

Date of next call: November 8th - will present the 2025 budget

Notetaker: @Paul Walk


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