Samvera Tech Call 2020-02-5
Samvera Tech Call 2020-02-5
How to connect: https://psu.zoom.us/j/613720745 (link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Moderator: Jim Coble
Notetaker: Max Kadel
- Jim Coble (Duke University)
- max (DCE)
- Collin Brittle (Emory)
- Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- LaRita Robinson (Notre Dame)
- tamsin woo (UC Santa Barbara)
- Gordon Leacock (Umich)
Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)
folks outside North and South America
Eastern timezone
Central timezone
Mountain timezone
Pacific timezone
folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Remind everyone to sign in on agenda.
- Welcome all newcomers!
- Agenda (moderator)
- Call for new agenda items (moderator)
- Hyrax Permissions Working Group Update (Jeremy Friesen )
- Hyrax Permissions Working Group (HPWG)
- On Slack Channel #pawg need feedback regarding the working group, JP Engstrom or Rob Kaufman in particular
- Possible database designs for permissions, sticking point on UI for permissions.
- Inform Notch8 about community pattern for permissions for Notch8's grant work
- Update: Removing spec|test files from Gem release (Jeremy Friesen )
- We did this with Hyrax (See for further context https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/4245)
- Transactions with`Dry::Monads` (tamsin woo)
- the first rule of monads is don't talk about monads
- https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/4244
- Possible replacement for Actor Stack for Valkyrie applications
- Wider PR review requested
- Hydra Head release check-in
- Core Components participation (tamsin woo )
- Request for wider participation, active right now
- Moderator & notetaker for next time
- Moderator: tamsin woo
- Notetaker: max
- After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2020-xx-xx"
- Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
- Popup will open for location. It should contain:
- Space: Samvera
- Parent page: 2020
- Select copy. New page should be created.
- Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish.
- PR Review
- Review issues:
- PR review coordinator for next time: