Samvera Tech Call 2020-10-07

Samvera Tech Call 2020-10-07

How to connect: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/94030214208
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)

 Click to view telephone/H.323/SIP connection instructions

Meeting ID: 940 3021 4208

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Meeting ID: 940 3021 4208

Find your local number: https://notredame.zoom.us/u/aPls29JbL

Join by SIP 94030214208@zoomcrc.com

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  • (US West)
  • (US East)
  • (India Mumbai)
  • (India Hyderabad)
  • (EMEA)
  • (Australia)
  • (Brazil)
  • (Canada)
  • (Japan)

Meeting ID: 940 3021 4208

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT / 4pm GMT

Moderator: tamsin woo

Notetaker: Chris Colvard (Deactivated)



  1. Developer Congress - Sign-up and get info and Topic-Proposal page
  2. Changing an embargo date in Hyrax does not update the embargo date https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/4537
    1. This may affect more than just Hyrax
    2. Steps to reproduce - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4517
  3. Add your agenda item here

Samvera help follow-up

Pull request review

Meeting Process

  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    1. folks outside North and South America

    2. Eastern timezone

    3. Central timezone

    4. Mountain timezone

    5. Pacific timezone

    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    7. Remind everyone to sign in on agenda.
    8. Welcome all newcomers!
  2. Agenda (moderator)
    1. Call for new agenda items (moderator)
    2. Agenda items above
    3. Samvera help follow-up
    4. Pull request review
  3. Moderator & notetaker for next time
    1. Moderator:
    2. Notetaker:
  4. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
    1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2020-xx-xx"

    2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
    3. Popup will open for location. It should contain: 
      1. Space: Samvera
      2. Parent page: 2020
    4. Select copy. New page should be created.
    5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish.
  5. PR Review
    1. Review issues:
    2. PR review coordinator for next time: 


Welcome first Samvera employee Heather Greer Klein!!!


  1. Developer Congress - Sign-up and get info and Topic-Proposal page
    1. Anna sent out email and posted to slack

      1. Dev Congress not sent to tech list?  Google group issue with multiple google group lists as recipients?
    2. Topic list page needs to be seeded with your topics

      1. Currently only one by Jeremy: review promotions/demotions/archiving

      2. Topics don't need to be fully fleshed out or be something that you plan on doing

      3. Can be design/exploratory or documentation

      4. Documentation topics would be great! (hard for single person to tackle and great for newcomers)

    3. Please sign up to attend and/or propose something!

  2. Changing an embargo date in Hyrax does not update the embargo date https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/4537
    1. This may affect more than just Hyrax
    2. Steps to reproduce - https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/4517
    3. Jeremy wants help on bisecting emarge/lease updating not working in Hyrax.

    4. Discovered when going through manual testing matrix

      1. This was run before within past 9 months so probably new since then

    5. Chris will test on a Hyku 1/Hyrax 2.0.2 sandbox
  3. Communication

    1. Are we doing it correctly/well enough? Is information getting disseminated in the right channels and in the right way? Or is the issue really just 2020 being weird?

    2. Concern about Samvera Connect registration and Dev Congress topic list not being known by everyone
  4. Add your agenda item here

Samvera help follow-up

  • Jose Blanco about analytics display in #dev - Jeremy followed up; maybe he got it figured out with others at Michigan

Pull request review

  • Helm (4496) - Chris will talk with other UP folks to see if anyone can give a review; if UP or Rob not super invested right now then Tom will just leave it out of codebase and move forward with it alone

  • Docker(4536) PRs from Tom - anyone able to help test (Lynette looking at it)

  • Jeremy - works created count discrepency (4494) - Tom will look at this (testing after deploy to nurax)

  • What to do about PRs that timed out which Jeremy has rebased but isn't carrying the torches for (3881 and 4497) -  who will review?  Tom will review 3881; Jeremy will look at 4497 again before passing it to Tom again

  • 4495 - Chris will writeup an issue and close PR since not actively being worked on

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