February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020
Samvera Partners Call |
Friday, February 14th, 2020 |
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 737 192 431 |
Meeting password: | h9cwrT45 |
Join from a video conferencing system or application |
Dial 738605799@tufts.webex.com |
Join by phone |
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll |
Access code: 737 192 431 |
Code of Conduct
We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:
We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.
We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers .
Facilitator: Richard Green
Note Taker: Rosalyn Metz
- Richard Green
- Rachel Lynn
- Franny Gaede
- Margaret Mellinger
- Alicia Morris
- Simeon Warner
- Karen Cariani
- Rosalyn Metz
- Esmé Cowles
- Jim Halliday
- Robin Lindley Ruggaber
- Mike Korcynski
- Glen Horton
- Rick Johnson
- Jon Dunn
- Brian McBride
- Maria Whitaker
- Carolyn Caizzi
- Charlotte Nunes
- Stuart Kenny
Discussion items
- Additions to today's agenda
- Next call
- Friday 13th March
- Facilitator: Richard Green
- Note taker: Dan Coughlin
- Shea van Schuyver from the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will join us to show their new archives site which employs a timeline in addition to a conventional search mechanism.
- https://archives.sebts.edu
- timeline on the front page is an iframe that is run by a google sheet so the archivists can run it.
- featured collections section rather than featured researchers
- using a blacklight gem to do a year created facet
- pdf.js embedded for pdf viewing
- QUESTION: how did they come across this hyrax/hyku? they were using islandora and had a security breach that required them to rebuild the whole thing. they took the opportunity to reconsider all the options, they evaluated the different options. they like the development, liked the community, and it seemed to be customizable. they also have a partnership with ATLA which influenced their decision
- QUESTION: how do you send information to ATLA? they are working on OAI PMH harvesting between ATLA and their repository. they currently have OAI-PMH support in the repository using the blacklight gem. they had to do some customization but it was simple enough to do
- COMMENT: Stuart Kenny at DRI has a timeline plugin that he could spin off if people are interested in see it.
- Next f2f Partner Meeting: Emory University, Atlanta - Monday April 27th and Tuesday 28th (to lunchtime). Hotel suggestions and unordered list of discussion topics on the meeting wiki page. Please feel free to add items for discussion. Maria Whitaker and Richard Green are co-chairing and will draw up a timed agenda in early March. Remote participation will be possible.
- Take a look at the wiki page: Spring 2020 Samvera Partner Meeting
- hotel suggestions and unordered discussion topics. those topics will be turned into an agenda.
- CircleCI pricing models (Tom Johnson) DEFERRED TO THE NEXT MEETING
- Samvera Virtual Connect 2020 Call for Participation on Program Committee (Franny Gaede)
- david.schober , Franny Gaede and Jon Cameron will be coordinating the event.
- Looking for folks to help out, let them know!
- Still trying to identify a date
- Anyone else going to Code4Lib who could help staff a Samvera table? Sign up list here. Thanks to those who have already volunteered.
- Jeremy Friesen helping with this
- Please help add contact names/emails to the list of Samvera instances in production and in development, and to the grants page.
- Please update these lists!
- Any ideas for a short presentation (preferably about something innovative) on April's call? (UCLA will be presenting in March)
- let Richard Greenknow
- Anything to bring to Steering's attention? (Standing item)
- none, but please feel free to email them if you do.
- Add additional items here
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