2025-01-09 Partner Call

2025-01-09 Partner Call

Samvera Partners Call

Thursday, January 9th, 2025

12:00 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community calls to be fun, informative, engaging events for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Emily Lynema


@Karen Cariani

@Jim Halliday

@Chris Awre

@Daniel Pierce

@Kate Lynch

@Emily Lynema

@Jon Dunn

@Kirsten Leonard


@Annamarie Klose

@Paul Walk

@Glen Horton

@Jenny Basford

@Alicia Morris

@Brian McBride

@Nora Zimmerman

@Christine Peterson

@Daniel Pierce

@Rob Kaufman

@Nicholas Mark Homenda

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda?

  2. Hyrax update from the Product Owner and Tech Lead (Nick Homenda, Daniel Pierce)

    1. Nick started as Hyrax Product Owner in mid-November 2024

    2. Randall Floyd will be serving as co-tech lead with Daniel Pearce going forward

    3. Hyrax Maintenance Group sprint January 21 -31 - finishing up Ruby and Rails updates and get to 5.1 release; may also try to address remaining accessibility issues

    4. spreadsheet of Hyrax feature requests from various regional meetings - who mentioned, amount of interest, etc.

    5. Christine Peterson has similar list for Hyku feature requests

    6. Work with Hyku to determine what should go into which application

    7. Recent accessibility work will be included in Hyrax 5.1. Only 4 small outstanding issues related to WCAG 2.0 AA.

  3. Hyku update and service provider news (Rob Kaufman)

    1. Governance

      1. Rob has been serving as product owner and tech lead; moving toward a separate product owner sometime in February / March with help from PALNI / PALCI

    2. Hyku 6.1 - bug fixes and stability; mostly waiting on release notes with ETA this week

    3. Hyku 6.2 - will be very shortly after with flexible metadata; based on a branch of Hyrax

    4. After that, will start on Ruby / Rails upgrade for Hyku (waiting on Hyrax)

    5. Softserv updates

      1. Spin Softserv back out into its own entity from Software for Scientists to prevent loss during acquisition of parent company. Will become Notch8 once again.

      2. Nick and Molly will be new owners and will introduce to the community

      3. Current Softserv contracts will migrate over to Notch8

      4. Rob’s role with Notch8 will be minor except support during transition

  4. Spring 2025 Partner meeting planning

    1. Option for a hybrid meeting at Northwestern, March 19-20

      1. probably March 19 PM - March 20 AM

    2. Discussed meeting at Code4Lib at Princeton on March 12 in the afternoon or March 13 (during workshops); this would have to be a very short meeting/likely mostly hybrid

      1. probably not long enough meeting to be worth traveling unless already at Code4Lib

    3. Heather will send out a poll to partners today about who can attend which to get a sense before board meeting next Friday

    4. Potential agenda: feature parity with other platforms - where do Samvera solutions not compare well; what are things we might work on vs. just never do

  5. Other Updates: 

    1. If you’re submitting to present at OR2025 please let Heather know - The deadline for submissions has been extended to Monday (January 13, 2025).

      1. Expect repository showdown representation for Avalon, Hyrax, and Hyku

      2. Heather is working on a panel for recent Hyku implementers

      3. Northwestern, Princeton, Indiana submitting proposals

      4. Antleaf and British Library folks will be there, as well

    2. Reminder: new Partner meeting day and time for 2025 - 2nd Thursday at 12pm ET/9am PT/5pm GMT - Add the 2025 monthly Partner call to your calendar

    3. Sign up to present or facilitate a topic (5 - 30 minutes) at a 2025 Partner call - see list of ideas on the page

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item) 

Date of next call: Thursday, February 13th, 2025




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