Samvera Tech Call 2022-11-09
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Promoting node-iiif and serverless-iiif out of samvera-labs; eligibility criteria for both (@Michael B. Klein )
<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: @Chris Colvard
Notetaker: @Thomas Scherz
@Michael B. Klein
@Daniel Pierce
@Bradley Watson
@Heather Greer Klein
@Rebekah Kati
Meeting Process
Promote node-iiif and serverless-iiif out of Samvera Labs
Active use and Active development
Promotion of node_iiif and serverless-iiif into Samvera Core.
Google Doc : Showing deep dive
Could replace RIIIF w/ Docker container
Integrates with UV and manifest
Michael would provide docker examples but would not be willing to maintain a hosted docker container.
Next Steps
Michael would maintain links.
A real world example.
Move it out of samvera labs.