Hyrax Analytics Working Group (HAWG)

Hyrax Analytics Working Group (HAWG)

Location: https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/vantuylsoregonstate.edu

Scope & Objectives

The Hyrax Analytics Working Group (HAWG) will explore community needs around reporting and analytics in Hyrax. Specifically, we will explore the analytics that are currently available in Hyrax (in the Dashboard and on individual works) and recommend modifications and changes to those analytics. The group will also explore the needs for a "reporting dashboard" for end-users and administrators to gather statistics about repository content. Last, the group will report best practices for migrating statistics from one platform to the next (e.g. for those migrating to Hyrax from some other platform) and recommendations and considerations for analytics data sources. 

Deliverables & Timeframe

HAWG will deliver the following by mid-August 2017: 

  • Analytics needs and UI considerations:
    • Recommendations (contents, UI, etc.) for Admin Statistics
    • Recommendations (contents, UI, etc.) for Item Level Statistics
    • Recommendations (contents, UI, etc.) for Reporting Dashboard
    • Plan for initiating community development effort to deliver the above
  • Considerations and recommendations for analytics data sources
  • Best practices for migrating analytics data from other platforms to Hyrax

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Note that following current best practices within Samvera, Working and Interest groups should use an existing channel unless and until it becomes clear that a dedicated channel is needed. This section should specify which existing channel(s) will be used: e.g., samvera-tech, samvera-partners, samvera-community@googlegroups.com. When using a shared channel, individual working groups should start the subject line with their name in []s, such as [archives] for the Archives Working Group. If and when a dedicated channel is needed, the new channel should be well publicized and open to any interested subscribers/participants in the community.   

  • The call for participation will be sent to samvera-community@googlegroups.com, and samvera-tech@googlegroups.com.

  • Regular meetings will be held on Tuesdays at 10AM Pacific at https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/vantuylsoregonstate.edu

  • Meetings, meeting minutes, deliverables, and milestones will be announced on samvera-community@googlegroups.com, and samvera-tech@googlegroups.com.

  • We will set up a dedicated (not private, but topic-specific) Slack channel in the Samvera team for asynchronous communication (#analytics). This should help us keep discussions focused and on topic.

  • Meeting notes recording action items and provisional decisions will be in the Samvera wiki.


Note that Working Groups must have participants from three different Partners.  All members of a working group producing software must be licensed Samvera contributors covered by the appropriate CLAs. Other types of contributions such as requirements, design, best practices, documentation, etc. - do not require CLAs but particpants should accept that the materials to which they contribute may be released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License..


Meeting Notes