Hydra Tech Call 2017-02-22

Hydra Tech Call 2017-02-22

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Glen Horton

Notetaker: tamsin johnson



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present
    1. folks outside North and South America
    2. Eastern timezone
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
  3. Updates on last week's items
    1. Hydra-Works PR merge (Andrew Myers)
      1. Got merged
      2. Allows one to take advantage of Fedora's ability to store external URIs
      3. If that is something you're already doing, take a look and see whats what
    2. Display Sets and User Collections (Lynette Rayle)
      1. In process of writing up a summary - working group has been clarifying this summary (probably complete by next week)
      2. Will be oriented towards the use cases and demonstrate how display sets would be used to address these use cases
      3. Also added the story of user collections and how display sets could be used to address user collections
  4. (STANDING) Update on Sufia/CurationConcerns Consolidation Plan (justin)
    1. No big update though there is a PR in Sufia that is applicable
    2. Trey Pendragon - Hyrax migration for Plum will be done at the end of the week and "It should all work"
      1. Meeting with some folks on monday who are going to start a migration
      2. Once they've migrated, Princeton probably won't do much in the way of building migration paths for other, but they've shared all of their notes

  5. (STANDING) Sufia 7.3 Blockers (Thomas Scherz)
    1. Recently reopened an LDP error issue
    2. Working on the issue of being able to add works to someone else's works
      1. Steve Van Tuyl will talk to OSU folks to see if we have cycles to look at this
  6. Action Item: Lots of people are getting dropped off this call recently or unable to call in (busy signals) - justin (???) volunteered to try to get someone's eyes on this
  7. Question: Dev congress topics - when are we going to get some clarity on what will be on the table for that meetup? - 
    1. Historically we've filled out the table of topics at the congress
    2. Might not hurt to talk about this on the Tech Call in the week before, just to get some discussion going and have a better understanding of the issues at hand
    3. Action Item: March 22 Tech Call - put this on the agenda
  8. Moderator/notetaker for next time:
    1. Moderator: Andrew Myers
    2. Notetaker: Thomas Scherz