Hydra Tech Call 2017-03-15
Hydra Tech Call 2017-03-15
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025 (or https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wp-content/themes/responsive/webrtc/webrtc.php?a=651025&n=6417153660&u=yournamehere)
Moderator: justin (Stanford)
Notetaker: cam156 (Penn State)
- justin (Stanford)
- cam156 (PSU)
- Annamarie Klose Hrubes (William Paterson University)
- Steven Ng (Temple)
- Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
- Esmé Cowles (Princeton)
- whunter (VT)
- Collin Brittle (Emory)
- pbinkley (Alberta)
- Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Josh Gum (Oregon State)
- David Tolmie (University of Washington)
- Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford)
- tamsin woo (DCE)
- Benjamin Armintor (Columbia)
- Aaron Collier (California State)
- Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present
- folks outside North and South America
- Eastern timezone
- Central timezone
- Mountain timezone
- Pacific timezone
- folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- Updates on last week's items
- Do not show share tab if workflow disallows access grants (
- These are blockers for 7.3
- See https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia/pull/3138
- Do not allow access grants - Supress the tag
- Needs a reviewer
- Add child/parent work in Sufia master (
- See https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia/pull/3147
- Ajax request are breaking the optimistic locking
- submit everything on the same form
- Add this work to parent work - Could take a long time and was not locking
- remove the widget to add this work to a parent
- got to the parent and add this children from there
- From the user stand point it makes sense to do it from the parent and the child, but in the short term let us disable it
- Schedule a talk during LDCX
- remove the widget to add this work to a parent
- needs an approver
- (STANDING) Sufia 7.3 Blockers (
Thomas Scherz or
Glen Horton)
- There are now PRs in for all remaining blockers
- Need to merge the blocking PR
- Will release priori to LDCX bugs will be fixed in 7.3.1
- (STANDING) Update on Sufia/CurationConcerns Consolidation Plan (
justin or
Michael Joseph Giarlo)
- Focus is on getting the Sufia 7.3.0 release out, at which point the focus will be on the Hyrax 1.0.0 release, so work can begin on the CC to Hyrax 2.0.0 path.
- Once 7.3.0 is cut then Hyrax 1.0 will be cut which is blocking some PR
- Work on CC and Hyrax upgrade path, thanks to Princeton
- Bugs from 7.3.0 will not get any push after there is an upgrade to hyrax
- How well defined it the process from Sufia 7.3.0 to Hyrax 1.0.0
- Pulm was upgraded from Curation Concerns - Added to the upgrade pathHyku was upgraded from Sufia 7 - Started documenting the upgrade path
- Display Sets update – Display Sets Requirements and Milestones (Lynette)
- documentation has been reworked to include milestones (still in progress)
- Like reviewers on Section Use Case milestone requirements - Are these the requirements and do they make sense for me? Which milestones are required for your use?
- Includes User Collections.
- being worked on by the Display Set working group - Display Sets Working Group
- Validating pcdm:use of Files within FileSets (from FileSets Working Group) (
Andrew Myers)
- want to be able to set the use tag on files in a Fileset instead of the current hard coded set.
- How feasible is it to validate cardinality and optional/required of pcdm:use of Files within FileSet
- Having a required PCDM use (original_file) May have only one
- May have intermediate file (possibly more that one)
- Where would the validation go? Looked at ActiveFedora for works but there is validation up and down the stack
- ActiveFedora should not have idea of PCDM
- No concrete example in ActiveFedora
- Need the ability to put the configuration reader somewhere that may be defined in the host application
- Put it in the Gem that affects the least amount of people. Possibly put it in a hydra-pcdm or hydra-works
- Where should they go? ActiveFedora? Hydra-PCDM? Hydra-Works? Hyrax? Host application?
- What interface should they subscribe to? What is the best pattern for validation?
- validate against PCDM rules in a config file
- AF validation rules are set up for association (validate!)
- For object validators use ActiveModel pattern (part of the bitstream of a file)
- Hydra:pcdm:File has no concept of metadata
- How do we validate the entire fileset after all the processing is done?
- Would not be the last step on the actor stack since you could get in a bad state
- we do not currently use transactions
- Object will need to know if they are valid or not and save them anyway
- Could push the validation to the UI to keep the user from sending data
- generally the form objects have validators so this makes sense
- What interface should they subscribe to? What is the best pattern for validation?
- Moderator/notetaker for next time:
- Moderator: Steve Van Tuyl
- Notetaker: pbinkley
, multiple selections available,