Hydra Tech Call 2017-04-05
Hydra Tech Call 2017-04-05
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
Notetaker: Steven Ng
- Steve Van Tuyl (oregon state)
- pbinkley (University of Alberta)
- Leah (University of Alberta)
- Aaron Collier (California State)
- cam156 (Penn State University)
- Steven Ng (Temple University)
- Esmé Cowles (Princeton)
- Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- justin (Stanford University)
- Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present
- folks outside North and South America
- Eastern timezone
- Central timezone
- Mountain timezone
- Pacific timezone
- folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- Approaching Code Review with Compassion (Jeremy Friesen)
- How do we ensure that we are welcoming contributions? Examples of positive code review experience? How to replicate that. (http://www.zeespencer.com/effective-code-critique/)
- Due to concerns about people afraid of harsh critique when submitting contributions.
- We should address it directly and add it into project documentation.
- Would be a good pre-conference session for Hydra Connect - Expectations of new contributors and providing constructive code review comments.
- Partners desire healthy environment for community contributions.
- Short comments, due to shared time with other work, may come across as sounding harsh.
- Pull Request reviews - feel free to ask how to do something if you're not sure how.
- How do we ensure that we are welcoming contributions? Examples of positive code review experience? How to replicate that. (http://www.zeespencer.com/effective-code-critique/)
- Protocol for getting broader community input for big decisions (Esmé Cowles)
- We do good on Slack, tech call, partners meetings, etc, but not able to get people's attentions who aren't regulars on these channels.
- Suggest from LDCX - Add tags to indicate feedback needed.
- Esmé Cowles will add something to the Wiki page.
- Growth of community has made it more difficult to communicate.
- (STANDING) Update on Sufia/CurationConcerns Consolidation Plan (justin or Michael Joseph Giarlo)
- Vote on a release of Hyrax 1.0?
- Tacitly approved: Release It!
- Upgrade guide would be good to have before release.
- Changes needed to upgrade from Sufia are in the release notes.
- As upgrade issues are found, please amend the release notes or engage with someone on Slack.
- Vote on a release of Hyrax 1.0?
- Moderator/notetaker for next time:
- Moderator: Steven Ng
- Notetaker: Steve Van Tuyl
, multiple selections available,