Samvera Tech Call 2017-09-27

Samvera Tech Call 2017-09-27

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Michael Joseph Giarlo

Notetaker: Julie Allinson



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    1. folks outside North and South America

    2. Eastern timezone

    3. Central timezone

    4. Mountain timezone

    5. Pacific timezone

    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    7. Welcome all newcomers!
  2. Agenda (moderator)
    1. Call for new agenda items (moderator)
    2. Update on Hyrax 2.0.0 release timeline (Michael Joseph Giarlo)
    3. "Hyralkyrizing Valkyrax is Samverific!" – Announcing plan for Hyrax/Valkyrie sprints (Michael Joseph Giarlo)
    4. Deprecate Namespacing (redis-namespace)? (tamsin woo)
      1. Namespacing currently supports multi-tenant use cases; especially Hyku.
      2. Issues with namespacing:
        1. Redlock's calls to the script command can't be effectively namespaced (according to deprecation warnings from redis-namespace);
        2. The Sidekiq team considers namespacing an unsupported hack; https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/issues/3366#issuecomment-283451521
        3. Namespacing is generally not recommended: http://www.mikeperham.com/2015/09/24/storing-data-with-redis/
      3. Proposal: Deprecate the namespace options for removal in 3.0.
        1. A branch with the proposed deprecation is at: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/tree/deprecate-redis-ns
      4. Other considerations/resources:
        1. http://www.mikeperham.com/2017/04/10/migrating-from-redis-namespace/
    5. Admin set to work relationship (Lynette Rayle)  REF:  #1461
    6. Admin Sets vs. Collections use of participants has some inconsistencies (Lynette Rayle) REF: Impact of Participants on admin_set/collection and works
    7. QA 2.0 adds support for Rails 5.1 and drops support of Rails 4.2.  Release now with no other updates or in a few weeks significant updates to linked data processing?  (Lynette Rayle)
    8. Updating browse-everything to Box API v2 (Michael B. Klein)
  3. Notetaker and moderator for next time
    1. Notes: Steve Van Tuyl
    2. Moderator: Steven Ng
  4. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.


  1. 2b. Update on Hyrax 2.0.0 release timeline (Michael J. Giarlo)
  • 2.0.0beta4 released
  • testing with nurax, repo managers group
  • release imminent

2c. "Hyralkyrizing Valkyrax is Samverific!" – Announcing plan for Hyrax/Valkyrie sprints (Michael J. Giarlo)

  • team assembled to build support in Valyrie that Hyrax would need
  • begins October 9th; 4 week sprint (non-consecutive)
  • ending week after connect
  • 5 institutions: indiana, oregon, stanford, princeton (and one more I missed)
  • targeting hyrax 3 ... next year

2d. Deprecate Namespacing (redis-namespace)? (Tom Johnson)

as per Tom's description

q. PR leaves the behavior but deprecates the config; more work needed on the branch - agreed

2e. Admin set to work relationship (Lynette Rayle) REF: #1461

  • read the issue ^^
  • impacts on collections proposal to make admin sets just another collection
  • proposing pcdm:memberOf
  • issue with this approach is that it makes retrieving just the admin set more difficult
  • Tom - reluctant to change the filtering, changing predicate a simpler fix
  • Lynette will do some more research

2f. Admin Sets vs. Collections use of participants has some inconsistencies (Lynette Rayle) REF: Impact of Participants on admin_set/collection and works

  • inconsistency is fine for now but flat it to revisit later if we move forward with making admin sets a type of collection

2g. QA 2.0 adds support for Rails 5.1 and drops support of Rails 4.2. Release now with no other updates or in a few weeks significant updates to linked data processing? (Lynette Rayle)

  • release now and then another release later
  • linked data work should not be backwards incompatible

2h. Updating browse-everything to Box API v2 (Michael B. Klein)

  • upgrading BE because box api v2 is much better, should not break anything

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