Hydra Tech Call 2017-04-12

Hydra Tech Call 2017-04-12

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator:  Steven Ng

Notetaker:  Steve Van Tuyl

Attendees (please add your name): 


  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present
    1. folks outside North and South America
    2. Eastern timezone
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
    1. Nope
  3. Ready to release curation concerns 2 the week of April 26th? ( Anna Headley)
    1. Maybe a release next week?
    2. Does anyone have hesitations or process notes?
      1. None voiced
    3. Supporters: +2
    4. No CC users on the call...
    5. Anna Headley will pick a date and send a note out the HyTech asking for additional feedback/comments
  4. (STANDING) Update on Sufia/CurationConcerns Consolidation Plan ( justin or Michael Joseph Giarlo)
    1. Time to remove this as a standing item? 
      1. Now that the consolidation is complete (hyrax) it is probably a good idea to remove this item from weekly calls
      2. Action Item: remove this from next week's (and all future) agendas
    2. Going to release 1.0.0 on April 26th unless there are major issues or reservations
  5. Announcement: Documentation Working Group Call for Participation (ends April 25th, 2017)
    1. More information about the WG is out on hydra tech and contributors
    2. Samvera Documentation Working Group 
  6. QA linked data branch - PR #131 review and merge ( Lynette Rayle)
    1. Goal is to move Questioning Authority from Hydra Labs to ProjectHydra
    2. tamsin woo had some questions that needed to be addressed, but he hasn't been in the PR to take a look at it
      1. Some support for skipping Tom's review if he's unavailable
      2. Probably a good idea for someone else to take a look before Monday -  Anna Headley volunteered
    3. Next Monday is the tentative date to finalize on the PR and then to cut over to Project Hydra from Hydra Labs
  7. Moderator/notetaker for next time:
    1. Moderator:  Esmé Cowles
    2. Notetaker:  Jennifer Lindner